india china Flashcards
why do we wish to understand neighbouring countries’ developmental policies? (3)
1) to understand own strengths and weaknesses visa vis their neighbours
2) we face comp from not only dev nations but also our own neighbours
3) economic activities of a region help to understand human dev in a shared environment
why did we pick china and pakistan only? (3)
1) almost same time of independence: people’s republic of china- 1949; india- 1947; pakistan- 1947
2) developmental policies strategy similar: india- five year plans 1951 (until march 2017 12th) ; pakistan- medium term development plan 1953 (12th); china- 1956 (14th)
3) till 1980s, all 3 had similar per capita income and growth rates
similarity between india and pakistan`(2)
1) strong public sector
2) public expenditure on social development
china (5)
1) one party rule- people’s republic of china where all land owned by people, critical sectors of economy and industries were brought under control of the government
2) great leap forward- 1958
3) problems of glf
4) great proletarian cultural revolution
5) reforms
great leap forward campaign (5)
1) great leap forward was introduced in 1958 and it aimed at industrialising the country on a massive scale
2) people were encouraged to set up industries in their backyards
3) commune system was started in villages where people collectively cultivated lands
4) 26000 communes by 1958 covering almost all of rural population
5) glf problems- a severe drought havoc china killing 30 mil people
great proletarian cultural revolution (2)
1) when russia had conflicts with china, it withdrew its professionals who were sent to countryside to help in the industrialisation process
2) mao introduced gpcr in 1965 in which he sent students and professionals to work and learn from countryside
reforms (5+1)
intro- reforms introduced in 1978 in two phases
1) first phase- investments, foreign trade and agriculture. under agriculture, communes were divided into small plots which were allocated to individual households who were allowed to keep profits are paying stipulated taxes
2) second phase- industries. pvt sec firms, villages enterprises and township (local collectives) were allowed to produce goods
3) soes were made to face competition
4) dual pricing was set- farmers and industrialists sell and buy inputs and outputs at a fixed quantity on prices fixed by govt and rest by market prices
5) as production increased, proportion of goods and inputs also increased, so to invite foreign investors, special economic zones were set up
pakistan (9)
1) follows mixed economy model with co-existence private sector and public sector
2) adopted regulated policy framework based on import substitution based industrialisation
3) policy- combined tariffs on imports with direct import controls on competing goods
4) green revolution brought about a fundamental change in agrarian economy by promoting public investments in various sectors and finally increasing production of food grains
5) nationalisation of capital goods industry in 1970s
6) late 1970s-80s brought a change in policy framework- denationalisation and promotion of pvt sector
7) received remittances and financial support from western nations for sending emigrants to middle east- stimulating economic growth
8) then govt- supported pvt sector firms by offering incentives and conducive environment for investment
9) reforms- 1988
demographic indicators(7)
1) population (pakistan lowest- 1/10th of china)
2) sex ratio (low in all)- preference for male child
3) density (china low)
4) population growth highest in pakistan
5) one child policy
6) fertility rate (pakistan high, china low)
7) urbanisation (china high; india 33%)
one child policy (3)
1) introduced in late 1970s, and is the reason for low population growth
2) also resulted in reduction of sex ratio- females per thousand males
3) old people higher than young people
why is there less agriculture in china
topography and climate conditions provide minimal cultivation area (10%)- 40% of india’s cultivable land
sectoral composition of countries and their cont to gdp
india: highest- agriculture
highest in gdp- service
china: highest- service
gdp- service
pakistna- agriculture and gdp- service
human dev indicators where china is highest
human development index, life expectancy, gdp per capita, infant mortality rate (low), maternal mortality rate (27), sanitation, percent of undernourished children
pakistan above india in hdi
people below poverty line, population using improved sanitation
all countries are good
providing improved drinking water sources