Indefinite Pronouns - Summary (someone; something; etc) Flashcards
Indefinite Pronouns
someone & something
These indicate that a person or thing is being spoken about without a particular person or thing being identified.
I’ll ask someone to pick them up.
Saya akan meminta seseorang menjemput mereka.
He ate something
Dia makan sesuatu.
segala sesuatu
refers to all the things being discussed without them being named individually
He discussed everything
Dia membicarakan segala sesuatu.
There is something which isn’t good
Ada sesuatu yang kurang baik.
Corresponding to English indefinite pronouns beginning with “any” are forms consisting of a question word followed by “saja”.
The interrogative “mana” follows a locative preposition or a noun.
siapa saja
apa saja
(at/to/from) anywhere
di/ke/dari mana saja
mana saja
any time
kapan saja
any amount
berapa saja
All the above interrogatives except “kapan” & “berapa” can be followed by “pun” instead of “saja”.
anything = apa pun anyone = siapa pun anywhere = di mana pun
The forms ‘apa pun/ apa saja and mana pun / mana saja’ occur in a noun phrase after a negated predicate instead of the reduplicated forms
- They didn’t give any information at all
(Mereka tidak memberi informasi apa pun). - We didn’t visit any village at all
(Kami tidak berkunjung ke desa mana saja)
If the indefinite pronoun occurs in a ‘noun phrase’ following a negated predicate then a form with ‘saja’ or ‘pun’ is more likely to occur.
They didn’t give any information at all
Mereka tidak memberi informasi apa pun
apa saja
Alternative to ‘siapa saja’ and ‘apa saja’, though more formal, are the forms ‘barang siapa’ (anyone) and ‘barang apa’ (anything).
This only occur as subject of a clause and are frequently followed by a relatived clause
barang siapa (anyone) barang apa (anything)
Barang siapa
barang apa
Anyone who is guilty must be punished.
Barang siapa yang bersalah harus dihukum
Anything she said was always true
Barang apa yang diceritakannya selalu benar