Incorrect questions Flashcards
Time for adjustment disorder to resolve once stressor is identified?
= 6mo
When are most congenital diaphgramatic hernias detected?
Prenatally with screening US
Initial managment of ITP crisis?
- Steroid infusion
2. If no response to steroid infusion, give IVIG
Tx of HTN in scleroderma pt?
ACEi - captopril
Green/gray frothy, malordious discharge, Dx and Tx?
Motile/flagelated org on wet prep
Single dose 2 g Metronidazole
Cheesy, thick, white vaginal discharge, no odor, Dx and Tx?
Vaginal candidisasis
Branching hyphae
Topical/oral antifungal
Positive “whiff” test, Dx, Tx, complications?
Bacterial vaginosis - Gardeneralla vaginalis
KOH test - fishy odor
1 week Metronidazole
Disurfram like reaction - avoid OH
Best Dx test for intussucption?
Air contrast barium enema
How can prinzmetal angina be ruled out?
No response to ergovine
Sunburst appeaerance?
codmans triangle, osteosarcoma
long bones
osteosarcoma associations?
onion skin appearance?
ewings sarcoma
Punched out lesions?
Lytic bone lesions?
Mets to bone
cystic lesion surrounded by inflammatory findings?
CA-125 positive?
Malignant teratomas
LDH and CA-125 positive tumors?
beta-hCG turmors?
Testestesterone producing tumors?
Estrogen producing tumor?
Sickle cell acute crisis feared complication?
Exchange trasfusion indications in sickle cell patients?
Lung infarction
Ischemic CVA
Retinal infarction
Explain mixing studies?
PTT corrects - factor deficiency
PTT does not correct - inhibiting factor (lupus, factor inhibing antibody)
Tx baby exposed to TB?
INH 3 mo then reavulate
Managmnet of imminent rupture AAA?
Emergent abdominal laparatomy