Incontinence Flashcards
Causes of stress incontinence
Pelvic floor weakness, loss of elasticity, hormonal or CT effects impacting urethral sphincter
Cause of urge incontinence
Abnl neural signals “PVC of the bladder” -> overactive detrusor muscle
What is overflow incontinence?
Blockage of the outlet e.g. w prostate enlargement or weak bladder muscle fx -> frequent dribbling
Causes of transient incontinence
DIAPPERS: delirium, infec, atrophic vaginitis, pharmaceuticals, psych issue esp depression, excessive urine output e.g. hyperglycemia, reduced mobility/reversible urinary retention, stool impaction
Lifestyle changes for stress incontinence treatment (6)
weight loss, fluid reduction, caffeine reduction, smoking cessation, control of constipation, Kegels
Most effective treatments of stress incontinence (3)
Pessaries, intravaginal estrogen, surgery: sling, injection of bulking agent
Additional lifestyle change for urge incontinence
Bladder retraining/ scheduled foiding
Medications are used most for what type of incontinence? What drug classes are used? (4)
Urge. Anticholinergics, beta-agonists, estrogen, botulinum toxin injections