Income Tax Flashcards
Name the 5 types of income
Trade, employment, property, investment, miscellaneous
Legislation for employment income tax rules
Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003
Legislation for trading, property, investment and miscellaneous income
Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005
What’s the rent-a-room relief amount?
13 employment benefits exempt from tax
- Group income protection
- Provision of meals
- Mobile phones
- Long service awards
- Suggestion schemes
- Work-related training
- Relocation and removal expenses
- Home working
- Workplace nurseries
- Liability insurance
- Pension advice
- Coronavirus tests
- Trivial benefits
10 taxable employee benefits
- Use of assets
- In-house benefits
- Company cars
- Beneficial loans
- Living accommodation
- Cash vouchers
- Non-cash vouchers
- Credit tokens
- Employee liabilities
- Medical insurance
Calculation of personal allowance reduction over £100,000
(Adjusted net income - 100,000)/2
Adjusted net income is net income minus personal pension contributions and gift aid donations
How to avoid personal allowance trap (income between £100k and £125,140)
- Use tax free investments (e.g. ISAs)
2. Make pension payments or gift aid donations
What are the personal savings allowances?
Basic-rate payers: £1,000
Higher-rate payers: £500
Additional-rate payers: £0
How do relief at source pension payments and gift aid donations affect tax liability?
How is this calculated?
They extend the band limits at the basic tax rate (20%)
Increase the tax band limit by the donation plus 25%
What is the dividend allowance?
Is it affected by tax banding?
No, everyone is entitled but excess dividends are taxed at different rates in each band
What rate is dividend income taxed at?
Basic: 8.75%
Higher: 33.75%
Additional: 39.35%
Explain the £5,000 0% rate on savings income
No tax is paid on savings income, up to £5000, which falls in the first £5,000 of income above the personal allowance.
E.g. if employment income is £13,570, there is room for £4,000 of tax free savings income.
What counts as savings income for purpose of personal savings allowance? (3 items)
- Interest
- Interest element of purchased life annuities
- Gains from life assurance contracts
6 steps to calculate tax charge
- Calculate pre-tax income for year
- Deduct reliefs from total income
- Deduct the personal allowance
- Add payment which extend bands
- Calculate tax on remaining income
- Deduct any tax reducers