Income From Salary Flashcards
Who is employee and employer?
Employee means any individual engaged in employment.
Employer means any person (individual, AOP, company) who engages and remunerates the employee.
Describe employment?
Employment includes –
_A directorship or other office involved in the management of a company
_A position which gives the employee a fixed or ascertainable remuneration ; or
_The holding or acting in any public office
When does a salary is treated to be received?
A person shall be treated as having received an amount, benefit or perquisite if it is;
a) Actually received by the person
On behalf of the person
At instruction of the person or
Under any law; or
c) made available to the person
(See examples on book)
Give Examples of salaries which are included in income from salary?
Salary received by an employee from any employment whether of a revenue or capital nature.
a) Any pay wages or remuneration provided to an employee including leave pay, payment in lieu of leave, over time bonus, commission, fees gratuity or work conditions supplements(such as for unpleasant or dangerous working conditions).
b) any perquisite
c)any allowance provided by an employer including a cost of living subsistence rent, utilities, education, entertainment or travel allowance
excluding allowances solely expended for performing official duties;
1-allowance which is paid in monthly salary on fixed basis or percentage of salary or
2-allowance which is not wholly exclusively necessarily or actually spent on behalf of the employer
How reimbursement is income from salary.
d) An expense of an employee that is paid or reimbursed by the employer other than reimbursements for performing official duties is considered income from salary.
Point e section 12?
The amount of any profits in view of or in addition to salary including any amount received-
By a person for agreeing to enter into an employment relationship By a person for agreeing to any conditions of employment or any changes to those conditions On termination of employment including compensation for redundancy or loss of employment and Golden handshake payments From a provident or other fund if it is employer contribution and interest Buy a person for agreeing to a restrictive covenant for any past present or prospective employment.
What deductions are allowed from income from salary?
No deduction shall be allowed for an expense paid by the employee under the head salary.
When an amount shall be treated as received by an employee?
And amount shall be treated as received by an employee if it is paid ;
By the employee’s employer, an associative of the employer or a third party under an arrangement with the employer
By a past or prospective employer
To the employee or an associate of the employee or a third party under an agreement with the employee.
An employee who has received an amount on termination of employment including compensation for redundancy or loss of employment and Golden handshake may, by notice to commissioner, elect for the amount to be taxed at following rate:-
A: is the tax paid by the employee on the employee’s taxable income for three preceding tax years and
B: is the employees taxable income for three preceding tax years.
When salary is paid in arrears?
any salary is paid to an employee in arrears and
Because of this employee’s income is charged at higher rate as compared to the rate that was applicable if the salary was paid in the year he rendered the services,
He may, give notice to the commissioner and elect the rate applicable in the year in which he earned salary.
What will be the tax treatment if employer has provided employee a motor vehicle in a tax year?
Partly for personal and partly for official use:
5% of;
a) the cost of the employer for acquiring the motor vehicle; or
b) the fair market value of the motor vehicle at the commencement of the lease, if it is taken on lease.
For personal use only:
10% of;
a) the cost to the employer for acquiring the motor vehicle; or
b) the fair market value of the motor vehicle at the commencement of the lease if it has taken on lease.
For official use:
When services of a housekeeper driver Gardner or other domestic assistant are provided?
When the services of a housekeeper, driver Gardner or other assistant are provided by an employer to an employee the following shall be added in the salary income;
-the salary paid by the employer to a person providing service less amount paid by employee to employer.
Services include provin of any facility
When utilities are provided by an employer to an employee?
If utilities are provided by an employer to an employee the salary shall include the fair market value ( jobill per likhi hui) of the utilities less amount paid by the employee to employer.
utilitiez include electricity gas water and telephone.
When loan is provided by an employer to an employee?
When loan is provided by an employer to an employee the salary shell include-
Scenario :
Where no profit on loan is paid by an employee.
Amount to be added in salary income :
Interest on loan calculator at benchmark rate
Where interest on loan paid by employee is less than benchmark rate.
Amount to be added in salary income:
The difference between the profit onloan paid by the employee and profit on loan computed at the benchmark rate.
Exceptions on loan provided by an employed to an employee?
Nothing will be added in salary income if;
-Loan is up to 1000,000
-The interest benefit is arising because employee has wave the interest to employer when employee had provided the loan to the employer.
Describe benchmark rate?
Benchmark rate means
1) for the text here 2003 rate of 5% per annum and
2) the rate for each coming year will be increased by one % but a cap will be placed at 10%.
When employee uses alone for acquisition of any asset or property producing income under any head of income?
Where employee uses a loan obtained from employer for aquisition of any asset or property producing income under any head of income
- it will be assumed that employee has paid profit (interest) equal to the benchmark rate.
Where an obligation of an employee towards employer is waived by the employer?
Where an obligation of an employee towards the employer is waved by the employer,it will be added in salary.
Obligation of employees may be the following; _loan received by an employee
_ goods or services purchased on credit.
Obligation of an employee towards a third party is paid by the employer?
Where an obligation of an employee towards a third party is paid by the employer, it will be added in salary.
When a properties transferred or services are provided?
When a property is transferred or services are provided by an employer to an employee, Salary shell include:
- FMVof property at the time of transfer less amount paid by employee to the employer.
-FMVof service at the time it is provided less amount paid by employee to the employer
Valuation of Accommodation?
The value of accommodation provided by the employer to the employee shall be
Higher Of
-45% of the minimum of the times scale of the basic salary or the basic salary or
-Amount that would have been paid by employer had no accommodation be provided.
Valuation of Accommodation?
The value of accommodation provided by the employer to the employee shall be
Higher Of
-45% of the minimum of the times scale of the basic salary or the basic salary or
-Amount that would have been paid by employer had no accommodation be provided.
Self hiring of property?
If employee or is his spouse owns a house which is given on rent to the employer and the employer has provided the same house to employee as rent free accommodation, then it will have two fold effect:
-Rent actually receive by employee from employer will be income from property.(Fair market rent will be ignored)
-it will be a perquisite in the form of accommodation, 45% of basic salary will be added under the head salary.
Self hiring of property?
If employee or is his spouse owns a house which is given on rent to the employer and the employer has provided the same house to employee as rent free accommodation, then it will have two fold effect:
-Rent actually receive by employee from employer will be income from property.(Fair market rent will be ignored)
-it will be a perquisite in the form of accommodation, 45% of basic salary will be added under the head salary.
Destroyed employee share scheme?
Employee share steam means any agreement under which a company male issue shares in the company to;
a) an employee of the company or an employee of an associated company; or
b) the trustee of a trust and the trusti mein transfer the shares to an employee of the company or an employee of an associated company.
Taxability at time of Grand of right or option?
The value of a right or option to acquire shares under an employee share scheme is not chargeable to tax.
Taxability at time of Grand of right or option?
The value of a right or option to acquire shares under an employee share scheme is not chargeable to tax.
Disposal of right or option / sale of right or option?
Where, in a tax year, unemploy disposes of a right or option to acquire shares under an employee share scheme, the amount chargeable under the head salary shell include the amount of any gain as calculated below:,
A is the consideration received for the disposal of the right or option; and
B is the employees cost in respect of the right or option.