Income Distribution Flashcards
Absolute poverty
-absolute poverty means that your income is below substisence level
-absolute poverty $2USD per day
-very few Aus in absolute poverty
Relative poverty
-means your income cannot afford you the minimum standard of living in your society
-relative poverty line=half the median income
-Aus 20% live in relative poverty (less than $489 a week after tax)
Income distribution
-is the smoothness or equality with which income is dealt out among members if a society. If everyone earns the exact same amount of money, then income distribution is perfectly equal.
-measured by Lorenz curve and Gino coefficient
Reasons for Aus inequality
-a number of explanations can be offered for the apparent inequality in income and wealth in the Aus economy, these include:
-personal traits (talent, personality, attitude to risk, skills)
-occupational conditions (education + training, hours worked, location, degree of danger)
-opportunity (socio-economic + family background)
-other factors (sickness, disability, age, involuntary unemployment, ‘luck’)
The modified market economy
-economic system based on private ownership of resources, free enterprise, and the operation of markets
-also features gov intervention to provide resources regarded as essential to regulate econ activity, and redistribute income
Merit goods
-private goods associated with positive externalities. Gov can intervene and supply merit goods or boost consumption and increase economic benefits e.g social housing
Government regulations:
-direct regulations: set down as laws / compilations
-indirect regulations: based on incentive e.g subsidies and taxes
Taxation principles
-simple for taxpayers to understand/calculate;ate, equitable horizontally + vertically and efficient
Income + wealth
-income = flow of funds such as wages
-wealth = stock of financial assets
-usually a string correlation between income and wealth - higher income allows greater wealth to be accumulated overtime
-both distributed unevenly
The Lorenz curve and gini coefficient
-Lorenz curve maps cumulative proportion of population, ranked by income, against their cumulative share of income.
-horizontal axis = proportion of population (cumulative)
-vertical axis = proportion of income (cumulative)
-inequality bows curve outwards
-gini coefficient, area between line of equality and Lorenz curve
-gini of 0 = perfect equality
-gini of 1 = perfect inequality
-aim for around 0.35
Income redistribution methods:
-income redistribution in Aus is achieved primarily by a progressive tax system and a system of cash and in-kind benefits
-tax revenue raised is used to supplement the private income of people in 1st income quintile (lowest 1/5 earners)
-supplemented considerably by direct cash transfer payments such as pensions and welfare payments, indirect gov payments which subsidise the cost of public services such as education, housing and health
Economic policy objectives of gov
-econ growth 2-4%
-price stability 2-3%
-full employment 4-5%
-efficient allocation of resources
-equitable distribution income
Fiscal policies
Adjusting gov budget (tax revenue + gov spending) to either leak/inject economy
Monetary policies
Adjusting central interest rate (cash rate) to make it either more/less expensive for firms + consumers to borrow money
Gov budget - revenue
-income tax (50%)
Gov budget - spending
-social security + welfare -> gov spends the most
-general public services
The role of gov
-most national economies= modified market systems
-based on private ownership BUT some gov interventions to improve outcome
1) redistribution of income
2) regulation of business
3) macro economic management
Government and private goods
-gov does provide private goods such as power, water and roads
-these goods could be sold by private companies as there is a profit incentive
->they often involve expensive infrastructure
->they would often be monopolies (unfair competition)
Public and merit goods
-some essential goods would be underprovided if left to private sector as no profit incentive
-applies to both public and merit goods
-e.g. police, defence (public) housing, education, health (merit)
Business regulation
-regulations used to improve outcomes e.g
->rules and regulations that cover access to common resources such as fishery
->business activity -direct means such as standards licensing and indirect such as taxes and subsidies
Income redistribution
-Centrelink, healthcare, housing, education, digital services
-in free market economy, come people would be unlikely to achieve an acceptable standard of living
-gov uses taxing and spending powers to redistribute income from higher income earners to lower income earners
Macroeconomic management
-a strong economy features econ growth, low unemployment with moderate inflation
-gov applies fiscal and monetary policies to reduce the impacts of the business cycle in the short term
The size of gov sector
-in Aus the gov sector (federal, state and local tiers)
->employs around 2 million
->produces about 20% GDP
->owns between 15-20% of businesses in the transport and construction, electricity and power provision services
-also undertakes public service and regulatory functions at each level each tier having different responsibilities
Australia’s taxation system
-taxation plays an important role in
->raising revenue for gov and society
->redistribution of income + wealth from the wealthy to the poor
->influencing how scarce resources are used among competing users
->regulating econ fluctuations (business cycle)
-92% of commonwealth gov income is raised by firms of taxation
How taxes are levied
-progressive = like income tax claim a higher proportion of income depending on earnings
-proportional= like company tax claims a constant proportional of income at any level
-regressive= like a sale tax places a greater burden on low income earners
Impact vs incidence
-where tax is levied vs the burden of the tax
-impact = who makes it
-incidence = who pays it
Company tax
-basic principle is that a company pays tax on its accounting profits
-proportional - current rate is 30% of profit
-paid quarterly - amounts to around 4.5% GDP
Indirect taxes
-excise tax is payable on sales of alcohol, tobacco, fuel products
-raise revenue for the gov, also intended to reduce consumption on harmful products / revive externalities
-excise taxes are indirect and regressive
-GST is a broad base indirect tax (10%) collected by federal gov
Tax reform
-over 40 years Aus has carried out some tax reforms such as
-introducing CGT in 1985 (increased vertical equity)
-a fringe benefits tax (FBT-1986)
-GST (2000)
-self assessment of income tax
Direct vs indirect
-levied on income vs levied on expenditure
-direct = from income
-indirect = from spending
-vertical: workers who earn higher incomes should pay more tax
-horizontal: those who earn similar wages should pay same rate of tax