What is the refractive error like at birth?
- Normal distribution
- Skew towards hyperopia
- Myopia: 0-25% of newborns
As an infant grows, refractive error shift towards 1. ______. However, by the time the child is about a year old, the refractive error skews towards 2. ____.
- emmetropia due to eye growth
2. myopia
What is emmetropization?
The process in which refractive error shifts towards emmetropia.
When does ocular development slow down?
Ages 5-15
Ages 5-15
Anterior chamber depth increases by only _____ mm
0.10 to 0.20 mm
Ages 5-15
Vitreous chamber depth increases by
~1 mm
Ages 5-15
Axial length increases by
~1 mm
Ages 5-15
Cornea is stable or unstable?
Ages 5-15
Lens power decreases by ____ (lens thins, but still grows new fibers)
2 D
Ages 5-15
Hyperopia decreases by
~1 D
Emmetropization: Age 5-15
Prevalence of myopia increases by over___times to __%
7 times to 15%
Juvenile-onset myopia: increase _____/ year during early teens
~ -0.50 D
Adult-onset myopia: ___% of population is myopic after teen years
Total myopic prevalence in adult population is ~__%
9 possible factors that affect refractive error distributions:
- Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Geography
- Diet
- Time
- Personality
- Systemic Conditions
- Ocular Diseases