Incentives and Behaviours Flashcards
Perverse Incentives
International financial institutions are criticised for their short-term incentives provided by the bonus structure
Levitt and Dubner
- Incentives are cornerstones to modern life
- Conventional wisdom is often wrong
- Dramatic effects often have distant causes
- Experts use informational advantages to serve their own agenda and this doesnt always have the customers best interest
Incentives and Cheating
Levitt - Teachers need students to get good grades (their jobs depend on it) - teachers sometimes change the answers to multiple choice questions (5%) found
A Corollary
Things that are highly distributed and on either end of the spectrum
- Those that are on the lower end stay for the expectation that they could go on the other end. (Footballers)
Asymmetric Information
Some participates in economic transactions have access to more or better information than other participants.
- If incentive structures aren’t inappropriately designed, expertise can be used to worsen outcome for clients
E.g. - real estate = selling too high or too low
Are two two variables causalities are correlative to one another?
- Causality- e.g. legislation on abortion in the 60s and 70s - usually single mums with low incomes get abortion therefore the legalisation shouldve declined crime rates in the 90s.
Industrial Organisation
The idea that ganga are more like modern run businesses operated like franchises than being a chaotic organisation
- The ‘Black Disciples’ in Chicago = run by 20 individuals with around 100 franchises throughout Chicago
- ‘JT’ branch- would give 20% of revenue from crack to directors
- 3 officers worked for him: enforcer (for safety), treasurer and a runner
- below was many other people, the system was a hierarchy
Drug Account from Chicago
Revenue Total: $32k
Costs: non-wages: $14k
Wages for 3 officers: $2.1k
Wages of the foot soldiers: $7.4k
Payment for JT: $8.5k
Importance of Incentives
They act as a driving force
- Incentives MUST be well designed if the results are not to be perverse
- There’s many other examples where free markets don’t generate social optimum outcomes.