Inborn Errors: Amino Acid and Urea Cycle Flashcards
a. Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) deficiency results in intolerance to the dietary intake of the essential amino acid phenylalanine and produces a spectrum of disorders including phenylketonuria (PKU), non-PKU hyperphenylalaninemia (non-PKU HPA), and variant PKU.
b. Classic PKU is caused by a complete or near-complete deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity; without dietary restriction of phenylalanine most children with PKU develop profound and irreversible intellectual disability.
c. Non-PKU HPA is associated with a much lower risk of impaired cognitive development in the absence of treatment.
d. Diagnosis-PAH deficiency can be diagnosed by newborn screening in virtually 100% of cases based on detection of the presence of hyperphenylalaninemia using the Guthrie microbial or other assays on a blood spot
Diagnosis and Management
a. Diagnosis/testing. PAH deficiency can be diagnosed by newborn screening in virtually 100% of cases based on detection of the presence of hyperphenylalaninemia using the Guthrie microbial or other assays on a blood spot obtained from a heel prick.
b. Management. Treatment of manifestations: Classic PKU: a low natural protein diet through use of a Phe-free medical formula and a regular infant formual as soon as possible after birth to achieve plasma Phe concentrations of 120-360 µmol/L (2-6 mg/dL).
i. A significant proportion of patients with PKU may benefit from adjuvant therapy with 6R-BH4 stereoisomer.
ii. Non-PKU HPA: It is debated whether those with plasma Phe concentrations consistently below 600 µmol/L (10 mg/dL) require dietary treatment.
c. Other: for women with PAH deficiency: Phe-restricted diet for at least several months prior to conception in order to maintain plasma Phe concentrations between 120 and 360 µmol/L (2-6 mg/dL); after conception, continuous nutritional guidance and weekly or biweekly measurement of plasma Phe concentration to assure that target levels are met in addition to adequate energy intake with the proper proportion of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
Large Summary on Diagnosis of Phenylketonuria
a. Plasma Phe concentration. The main route for phenylalanine metabolism is hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine by phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH).
i. The diagnosis of primary phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency (PAH deficiency) is based on the detection of an elevated plasma phenylalanine (Phe) concentration and evidence of normal BH4 cofactor metabolism.
ii. Individuals with PAH deficiency show plasma phenylalanine (Phe) concentrations that are persistently higher than 120 µmol/L (2 mg/dL) in the untreated state [Scriver & Kaufman 2001, Donlon et al 2004].
b. Newborn screening. PAH deficiency is most commonly diagnosed upon routine screening of newborns. PAH deficiency can be detected in virtually 100% of cases by newborn screening utilizing the Guthrie card bloodspot obtained from a heel prick.
Three methods of newborn screening are currently in use:
1) Guthrie card bacterial inhibition assay (BIA), a time-tested, inexpensive, simple, and reliable test
2) Fluorometric analysis, a reliable quantitative and automated test which produces fewer false positive test results than the BIA
3) Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), which has the same benefits as fluorometric analysis, can also measure tyrosine concentration, and can be useful in interpreting Phe concentration.
i. Tandem mass spectrometry can be used to identify numerous other metabolic disorders on the same sample
Management of PKU (Phenylketonuria)
- Restriction of dietary phenylalanine. The generally accepted goal of treatment for the hyperphenylalaninemias is normalization of the concentrations of Phe and Tyr in the blood and thus prevention of the cognitive deficits that are attributable to this disorder
- Supplementation with BH4. An ever-growing body of evidence indicates that many individuals with primary phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency are responsive to the 6R-BH4 stereoisomer in pharmacologic doses (≤20 mg/kg daily in divided oral doses)
Pregnant Women with PAH Deficiency.
a. Women with PAH deficiency who have been properly treated throughout childhood and adolescence have normal physical and intellectual development.
b. However, if the woman has high plasma Phe concentrations, her intrauterine environment will be hostile to a developing fetus as phenylalanine is a potent teratogen.
i. It is strongly recommended that women with PAH deficiency use reliable methods of contraception to prevent unplanned pregnancies
c. Women with PAH deficiency who are off diet and are planning a pregnancy should start a Phe-restricted diet prior to conception and should maintain plasma Phe concentrations between 120 and 360 µmol/L (2-6 mg/dL), ideally over several months, before attempting conception .
d. The abnormalities that result from exposure of a fetus to high maternal plasma Phe concentration are the result of ‘maternal HPA/PKU’ .
e. The likelihood that the fetus will have congenital heart disease, intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation, microcephaly, and intellectual disability depends upon the severity of the maternal HPA and the effectiveness of the mother’s dietary management
a. Due to phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency
b. Incidence of about 1 in 15,000 births (4 new patients per year in CO)
c. Autosomal recessive inheritance
d. 1% of cases result from disorders of tetrahydrobiopterin (cofactor) metabolism
e. Pathophysiology is incompletely understood, but likely aspects of both Phe toxicity and deficiency of downstream products
Untreated PKU (Phenylketonuria)
1) Intellectual disability
2) Hypopigmentation
3) Eczema
4) Hypomyelination on brain MR
Dietary Treatment of Phenylketonuria (PKU)
a. Restrict dietary protein (a moving target with age)
b. Supplement all non-Phe amino acids
c. Monitor closely to ensure that there is not iatrogenic protein malnutrition
d. Ultimate IQ is directly related to the age of initiation of therapy and the Phe levels achieved in childhood
e. Previous practice was to discontinue dietary therapy at age 6 years; current recommendation is for life-long treatment
The paradigm of inborn errors of metabolism
- All of these diseases are autosomal recessive
- The substrate before the missing enzyme will be too high, and the product below the missing/mutated enzyme will be too low
PKU Treatment
Sapropterin is the Cofactor that can be given for PKU Treatment
a. Some patients have residual enzyme activity that can be further increased with supplementation of the BH4 cofactor
b. Specific genotypes are known to respond or not
Maternal Phenylketonuria (PKU)
a. With successful treatment of PKU came women with PKU having children
b. It is now known that exposure to elevated phenylalanine in utero is teratogenic
c. Infants born to mothers with uncontrolled PKU have growth restriction, microcephaly, intellectual disability and heart malformations
Maple Syrup Urine Disease
Disease characteristics
Branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase mutation
a. Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) in untreated neonates is characterized by maple syrup odor in cerumen (ear wax) at 12-24 hours after birth;
i. elevated plasma concentrations of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) and allo-isoleucine
ii. as well as a generalized disturbance of plasma amino acid concentration ratios, by 12-24 hours of age
b. Other findings: ketonuria, irritability, and poor feeding by age 2-3 days; deepening encephalopathy manifesting as lethargy, intermittent apnea, opisthotonus, and stereotyped movements such as “fencing” and “bicycling” by age 4-5 days; and coma and central respiratory failure that may occur by age 7-10 days.
c. The phenotype is classified as classic or intermediate. Rarely, affected individuals have partial BCKAD enzyme deficiency that only manifests intermittently or responds to dietary thiamine therapy; individuals with intermediate or intermittent forms of MSUD can experience severe metabolic intoxication and encephalopathy under sufficient catabolic stress.
Maple Syrup Urine Disease
Diagnostic and Management
a. Diagnosis/testing. MSUD is diagnosed by the presence of clinical features and by decreased levels of BCKAD enzyme activity causing accumulation of BCAAs, allo-isoleucine, and branched-chain ketoacids (BCKAs) in tissues and plasma.
i. The three genes associated with MSUD are BCKDHA (E1a subunit gene, MSUD type 1A), BCKDHB (E1b subunit gene, MSUD type 1B), and DBT (E2 subunit gene, MSUD type 2).
ii. Molecular genetic testing of all three genes is available on a clinical basis.
b. Management. Treatment of manifestations: Treatment includes dietary leucine restriction, high-calorie BCAA-free formulas, judicial supplementation with isoleucine and valine, and frequent clinical and biochemical monitoring.
i. Metabolic decompensation is corrected by treating the precipitating stress while delivering sufficient calories, insulin, free amino acids, isoleucine, and valine to achieve sustained net protein synthesis in tissues.
ii. Some centers use hemodialysis/hemofiltration to remove BCAAs from the extracellular compartment, but this alone does not establish net protein accretion.
c. Brain edema, a common complication of metabolic decompensation, requires immediate therapy in an intensive care setting.
d. Adolescents and adults with MSUD are at increased risk for ADHD, depression, and anxiety disorders and can be treated successfully with standard psychostimulant and antidepressent medications.
i. Orthotopic liver transplantation is an effective therapy for classic MSUD
Maple syrup urine disease
a. Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), also called branched-chain ketoaciduria, is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder affecting branched-chain amino acids. It is one type of organic acidemia.
i. The condition gets its name from the distinctive sweet odor of affected infants’ urine, particularly prior to diagnosis, and during times of acute illness
b. Signs- The disease is named for the presence of sweet-smelling urine, an odor similar to that of maple syrup, when the person goes into metabolic crisis.
i. The smell is also present and sometimes stronger in the ear wax of an affected individual at these times. In populations to whom maple syrup is unfamiliar, the aroma can be likened to fenugreek, and fenugreek ingestion may impart the aroma to urine
ii. Between 0 and 5 months[edit]
Infants with this disease seem healthy at birth but quickly deteriorate, often with severe brain damage, which may be permanent.
After 5 months
More commonly the symptoms present between 5 months and 2 years of age. Untreated in older individuals, and during times of metabolic crisis, symptoms of the condition include anorexia, weight loss[6], anemia,[7] diarrhea[7], vomiting, dehydration, lethargy[4], oscillating hypertonia and hypotonia[6], ataxia[5], seizures[8], hypoglycaemia, ketoacidosis[9], opisthotonus, osteopenia[10] and osteoporosis[7], pancreatitis[
Mechanism of Maple syrup urine disease
a. MSUD is a metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency of the branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex (BCKDC), leading to a buildup of the branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) and their toxic by-products (ketoacids) in the blood and urine.
b. The enzyme complex consists of four subunits designated E1α, E1β, E2, and E3. The E3 subunit is also a component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex.
i. MSUD can result from mutations in any of the genes that code for the enzyme subunits.
Maple Syrup Urine Disease
*Good Slide
a. Results from deficiency of the branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase complex
b. Mutations in four different genes are causative
c. Incidence is 1 per 150,000 births
i. Much more common in the Amish
d. Broad spectrum of disease from acute neonatal presentations to adult-onset
e. Most manifestations are due to leucine accumulation in the brain
Severe neonatal presentation
Maple Syrup Urine Disease
a. Irritability and poor feeding at 48 hours
b. Lethargy, opisthotonus, apnea
c. Cerebral edema, encephalopathy
d. Reversible with treatment
Diagnosis of MSUD
Maple Syrup Urine Disease
a. Elevation of leucine
b. Presence of allo-isoleucine
c. Presence of urine ketones in a neonate
d. Assessment of lactate, alpha-ketoglutarate for combined enzyme deficiencies (DLD)
e. Branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase complex enzyme activity
f. Gene sequencing
ii. BCKDHB patients may be thiamine-responsive
Management of acute metabolic presentations
*overview for all these metabolic diseases
a. Treat the underlying illness, support circulation, respiration, etc.
b. Remove the offending agent (dietary protein), supplement deficiencies
Provide calories for anabolism to prevent mobilization of endogenous proteins
dextrose IVF and IV lipids
c. Daily monitoring of amino acids or other metabolites (ketones, lactate, ammonia, others)
d. Consider dialysis in some conditions
Slow reintroduction of protein
Chronic management of MSUD
Maple Syrup Urine Disease
a. Trial thiamine supplementation (specific genotypes)
b. Limit dietary protein
c. Leucine-free formula, regular serum leucine levels
d. Close monitoring of nutritional status, especially isoleucine and valine
e. Consider liver transplant
i. Liver can be given to another person on the transplant list for a different indication
f. Leucine is likely a teratogen, though data are sparse in comparison to PKU
Tyrosinemia Type 1
Disease characteristics
a. Untreated tyrosinemia type I usually presents either in young infants with severe liver involvement or later in the first year with liver dysfunction and renal tubular dysfunction associated with growth failure and rickets.
b. Untreated children may have repeated, often unrecognized, neurologic crises lasting one to seven days that can include change in mental status, abdominal pain, peripheral neuropathy, and/or respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation.
c. Death in the untreated child usually occurs before age ten years, typically from liver failure, neurologic crisis, or hepatocellular carcinoma.
d. Combined treatment with nitisinone and a low-tyrosine diet has resulted in a greater than 90% survival rate, normal growth, improved liver function, prevention of cirrhosis, correction of renal tubular acidosis, and improvement in secondary rickets.
Tyrosinemia Type 1
Diagnostic Testing and Management
a. Diagnosis/testing. Tyrosinemia type I results from deficiency of the enzyme fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH), encoded by FAH.
i. Typical biochemical findings include increased succinylacetone concentration in the blood and urine, elevated plasma concentrations of tyrosine; methionine, and phenylalanine; and elevated urinary concentration of tyrosine metabolites and the compound δ-ALA.
- Assay of FAH enzyme activity in skin fibroblasts is possible but not readily available.
ii. Molecular genetic testing by targeted mutation analysis for the four common FAH mutations and sequence analysis of the entire coding region are clinically available and can detect mutations in more than 95% of affected individuals.
b. Management. Treatment of manifestations: Nitisinone (Orfadin®), 2-(2-nitro-4-trifluoro-methylbenzyol)-1,3 cyclohexanedione (NTBC), which blocks parahydroxyphenylpyruvic acid dioxygenase (p-HPPD), the second step in the tyrosine degradation pathway, prevents the accumulation of fumarylacetoacetate and its conversion to succinylacetone.
c. Nitisinone treatment should begin as soon as the diagnosis of tyrosinemia type I is confirmed. Because nitisinone increases the blood concentration of tyrosine, dietary management with controlled intake of phenylalanine and tyrosine should be started immediately after diagnosis to prevent tyrosine crystals from forming in the cornea.
i. If the blood concentration of phenylalanine becomes too low (<20 μmol/L), additional protein should be added to the diet.
d. Prior to the availability of nitisinone, the only definitive therapy for tyrosinemia type I was liver transplantation
Tyrosinemia type I
*Important slide
AKA hepatorenal tyrosinemia
a. Typically presents as acute liver failure in infancy, later hepatocellular carcinoma
i. Hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice, ascites, coagulopathy, hepatomegaly, rickets
b. Acute neurologic crisis with abd pain and neuropathy due to secondary porphyria
c. Results from fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase deficiency
d. Serum amino acids will show mild to moderate tyrosine elevation
e. Diagnostic metabolite is succinylacetone in urine
Tyrosinemia type II
*Important slide
AKA oculocutaneous tyrosinemia
a. Results from 4-OH phenylpyruvic acid dehydrogenase deficiency
b. Causes much higher tyrosine elevations
i. Results in palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and keratitis
c. No acute decompensations
d. Managed according to the same principles as other amino acid disorders (limit Phe and Tyr in the diet), supplement other amino acids
Treatment of Tyrosinemia I
*Important slide
a. An unusual treatment paradigm - use medication (NTBC) to induce a different (milder) metabolic disease (tyrosinemia III)
b. Still need monitoring for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
c. On NTBC need dietary therapy to prevent oculo-cutaneous manifestations
d. Liver transplant may be necessary if HCC is present at diagnosis
Classical Homocystinuria
Disease characteristics
a. Homocystinuria caused by cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) deficiency is characterized by developmental delay/intellectual disability, ectopia lentis and/or severe myopia, skeletal abnormalities (excessive height and length of the limbs), and thromboembolism.
b. Expressivity is variable for all of the clinical signs.
c. Two phenotypic variants are recognized, B6-responsive homocystinuria and B6-non-responsive homocystinuria. B6-responsive homocystinuria is typically, but not always, milder than the non-responsive variant.
i. In the majority of untreated affected individuals, ectopia lentis occurs by age eight years. Individuals are often tall and slender with an asthenic (‘marfanoid’) habitus and are prone to osteoporosis.
ii. Thromboembolism is the major cause of early death and morbidity.
d. IQ in individuals with untreated homocystinuria ranges widely, from 10 to 138. In B6-responsive individuals the mean IQ is 79 versus 57 for those who are B6 non-responsive.
e. Other features that may occur include: seizures, psychiatric problems, extrapyramidal signs such as dystonia, hypopigmentation, malar flush, livedo reticularis, and pancreatitis.
Classical Homocystinuria
Diagnosis and Management
a. Diagnosis/testing. The cardinal biochemical features of homocystinuria are: markedly increased concentrations of plasma homocystine, total homocysteine, homocysteine-cysteine mixed disulfide, and methionine; increased concentration of urine homocystine; and reduced cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) enzyme activity.
i. Molecular genetic testing of CBS, the gene in which mutations result in homocystinuria caused by cystathionine β-synthase deficiency, is clinically available.
b. Management. Treatment of manifestations: Complications of homocystinuria should be managed appropriately; e.g., by surgery for ectopia lentis.
i. Treatment aims to correct the biochemical abnormalities, especially to control the plasma homocystine and homocysteine concentrations and prevent thrombosis.
c. Prevention of primary manifestations: Neonates identified by newborn screening are treated to maintain normal or near-normal plasma homocysteine concentrations using: protein-restricted and methionine-restricted diets; possibly betaine treatment; and/or folate and vitamin B12 supplementation.
d. Those responsive to B6 (pyridoxine) receive pyridoxine therapy. In later childhood and beyond, treatment is aimed at maintaining the plasma homocystine concentration below 11 μmol/L and the plasma homocysteine concentration as close to normal as possible.
i. Betaine therapy is a major treatment in adolescents and adults.
*Important slide
a. Classic homocystinuria is due to cystathionine beta synthase deficiency
b. Increased homocysteine has toxic effect on several tissues - skeleton, eye, vasculature
c. Untreated patients will have lens dislocation, scoliosis, pectus carinatum, mild developmental delays
d. Patients treated in childhood will not have physical stigmata
e. Elevated homocysteine leads to very high risk of thrombotic events
f. Even treated patients get osteoporosis, vascular risk
Risk of thrombotic events in homocystinuria
a. Vascular disease
b. Intravascular thrombosis risk increases
Diagnosis and treatment of Homocystinuria
*Important Slide
a. With elevated Hcy, need to methionine, methylmalonic acid and B12 level
b. CBS sequencing
c. Pyridoxine (B6) trial
d. Mainstay of treatment is methionine restricted diet and betaine
e. B12 and folate supplementation are also often needed
f. Patients are often on coumadin or other anticoagulants
g. Avoid smoking and OCPs
- Acute
i. Encephalopathy, seizures, ataxia, visual loss, hallucinations, mania
ii. Vomiting and loss of appetite
iii. In neonates: temperature instability, hyperventilation - Chronic
i. Developmental delay
ii. Nausea, failure to thrive, protein avoidance
iii. Migraines
iv. Anxiety, depression, disinhibition
v. Hepatomegaly, elevated liver enzymes
Triggers for a hyperammonemic episode
a. Illness, fever, vomiting, fasting, surgery
b. Postpartum period, menarche
c. Intense exercise
d. Dietary protein load
e. Medications - valproate, peg asparaginase
f. UTI
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
*Important slide
a. The most common urea cycle disorder
b. X-linked, caused by deletions and point mutations in OTC
c. Gene is expressed only in the liver
d. There are many symptomatic females
i. Often lethal in the neonatal period for boys
e. *Not on newborn screening
f. Diagnostic metabolite is orotic acid; also with low citrulline, high glutamine
Management of OTC
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
a. Very low protein diet (lowest of all IEMs)
i. Supplement citrulline or arginine
b. Ammonia scavenging medications
c. Close nutritional monitoring
d. Aggressive support during illness
e. Dialysis
f. Liver transplantation
? Gene therapy
Urea Cycle Disorders
Disease characteristics
a. The urea cycle disorders (UCD) result from defects in the metabolism of waste nitrogen from the breakdown of protein and other nitrogen-containing molecules.
b. Severe deficiency or total absence of activity of any of the first four enzymes (CPS1, OTC, ASS, ASL, see below) in the urea cycle or the cofactor producer (NAGS) results in the accumulation of ammonia and other precursor metabolites during the first few days of life.
c. Infants with a severe urea cycle disorder are normal at birth but rapidly develop cerebral edema and the related signs of lethargy, anorexia, hyper- or hypoventilation, hypothermia, seizures, neurologic posturing, and coma.
d. In milder (or partial) deficiencies of these enzymes and in arginase (ARG) deficiency, ammonia accumulation may be triggered by illness or stress at almost any time of life.
e. In these disorders the elevations of plasma ammonia concentration and symptoms are often subtle and the first recognized clinical episode may not occur for months or decades.
Urea Cycle Disorders
a. The diagnosis of a urea cycle disorder is based on clinical suspicion and biochemical and molecular genetic testing.
b. A plasma ammonia concentration of 150 μmol/L or higher associated with a normal anion gap and a normal plasma glucose concentration is an indication for the presence of a UCD. Plasma quantitative amino acid analysis and measurement of urinary orotic acid can distinguish between the specific UCDs.
c. A definitive diagnosis of a urea cycle defect depends on either molecular genetic testing or measurement of enzyme activity.
d. Molecular genetic testing is clinically available for all urea cycle defects. Deficiencies of ASS1, ASL and ARG may be detected on newborn screening.
Urea Cycle Disorders
Treatment of manifestations: Acute severe hyperammonemia: Dialysis and hemofiltration to reduce plasma ammonia concentration; intravenous administration of arginine hydrochloride and nitrogen scavenger drugs to allow alternative pathway excretion of excess nitrogen; restriction of protein for 12 to 24 hours to reduce the amount of nitrogen in the diet; calories given as carbohydrates and fat; and physiologic stabilization with intravenous fluids and cardiac pressors while avoiding overhydration.
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTC deficiency)
a. Absence of OTC activity in males is as severe as CPS1 deficiency.
b. Approximately 15% of carrier females develop hyperammonemia during their lifetime and many require chronic medical management for hyperammonemia.
c. More recently it has been recognized that carrier females who have never had symptoms of overt hyperammonemia have deficiencies in executive function.
Clinical Manifestations of Urea Cycle Disorders
Severity of the urea cycle defect is influenced by the position of the defective enzyme in the pathway and the severity of the enzyme defect.
*Nice large summary
a. Severe deficiency or total absence of activity of any of the first four enzymes in the pathway (CPS1, OTC, ASS1, and ASL) or the cofactor producer (NAGS) results in the accumulation of ammonia and other precursor metabolites during the first few days of life.
b. Because no effective secondary clearance system for ammonia exists, complete disruption of this pathway results in the rapid accumulation of ammonia and development of related symptoms.
i. Patients with complete defects normally present in the newborn period, when the immaturity of the neonatal liver accentuates defects in the urea cycle enzymes
c. Infants with a urea cycle disorder appear normal at birth but rapidly develop cerebral edema and the related signs of lethargy; anorexia; hyper- or hypoventilation; hypothermia; seizures; neurologic posturing; and coma.
d. Because newborns are usually discharged from the hospital within one to two days after birth, the symptoms of a urea cycle disorder often develop when the child is at home and may not be recognized in a timely manner by the family and primary care physician.
i. The typical initial symptoms of a child with hyperammonemia are nonspecific: failure to feed, loss of thermoregulation with a low core temperature, and somnolence
e. Symptoms progress from somnolence to lethargy and coma. Abnormal posturing and encephalopathy are often related to the degree of central nervous system swelling and pressure upon the brain stem
f. About 50% of neonates with severe hyperammonemia may have seizures, some without overt clinical manifestations.
i. Individuals with closed cranial sutures are at higher risk for rapid neurologic deterioration from the cerebral edema that results from ammonia elevation.
ii. Hyperventilation secondary to the effect of hyperammonemia on the brain stem, a common early finding in hyperammonemic attacks, results in respiratory alkalosis. Hypoventilation and respiratory arrest follow as pressure increases on the brain stem. Severity of neurologic sequelae is variable and correlates with duration of initial hyperammonemia.
h. With rapid identification and current treatment strategies, survival of neonates with hyperammonemia has improved dramatically in the last few decades
Tetrahydrobiopterin and Sapropterin
Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4, THB), also known as Sapropterin, is a naturally occurring essential cofactor of the three aromatic amino acid hydroxylase enzymes, used in the degradation of amino acid phenylalanine
Sapropterin dihydrochloride may help lower phenylalanine levels in some people with phenylketonuria. It is FDA approved for this use along with dietary measures