IN01 Initial Action & SATI Flashcards
What’s the 10 code for En route
What four things to do en route to scene
Description of - suspect, suspects vehicle, travel direction, any weapons carried.
Vehicles exiting the scene and their rego numbers
Where to safely park
Establish a Safe Forward Point (Base of Forward operations)
Initial actions on arrival - discuss responsibilities, jobs
Who deals with - suspects, victims & how?
What’s SFP
Safe Forward Point
Base to support forward ops
What six steps to do on arrival
Park - in safe clear area
Advise - comms 10-7, obtain acknowledgement
Revise - plan, if scene different from what was anticipated.
Beware - what’s happening, where and who’s involved
Ask people - what’s happening, where and who’s involved. Gather that intel.
Update - comms
Key info to obtain from informant on arrival
Obtain - brief facts, location of informant/witness
Ask informant/witness - identify victim and offender, offenders whereabouts
If left the scene then obtain - what direction, on foot or in vehicle, vehicle details, direction
Ask - informant /witness
Location of scene & victim
To remain in specified location, may need to be re interviewed, if possible.
What details should be obtained from victim/informant
Obtain Surname, first name Address, phone no multiple ( validate identity) Occupation Employee details, address, phone no Date of birth Email
What does TEDS stand for
Open ended questions to obtain info T - tell me E - explain D - describe S - show me
What’s 6 probing questions
5WH + H What When Where Who Why How
What’s CAP
Common Approach Path
Why is CAP important
To establish a path in and out of scene that avoids any route taken by the victim or offender(s)
To maintain the integrity of the scene
To not destroy exhibits or contaminate evidence or scene
Three basic principals to maintain scene integrity
Freeze - keep in original state, touch nothing
Control - movement to and from, activity in contained area
Preserve - exhibits
What’s two factors for setting boundaries?
Think BIG
Include in area where offender -
Approached from
Entered and left
Include vehicle in this area.
What’s Sitreps
Situation Reports
Why are Sitreps important?
Informs and updates comms of - Changes to the scene Action required at scene Info locating offender Of assistance is required Provide location of SFP for attending officers
All this info is passed onto en route assistance ( attending officers, medical staff)
7 pieces of information to know prior to taking scene guard duty and where to get it from?
Ask O/C - Who is authorised to enter? Where are the scene boundaries? Where’s the designated point of entry? What route must authorised personnel take? Where is the exit point? What happened at scene? Any suspect? What’s the description or do we have photos?
Suspects may come back.
What are the 6 responsibilities of Scene Guard
Acronym to be used UNBENT
Unauthorised entry Notebook recording Brief authorised people Explore and report suspicious behaviour No contaminating Think of animals - entering - exiting, contaminating
How many steps in Systematic Approach To Investigation
8 step model
What does VAWSEEPO stand for
Victim / Infromant Appreciation Witnesses Scene Exhibits Elements Powers Offender
What does appreciation mean
Technique method for problem solving using a set pattern - assess the scene, appreciate what’s going on, plan it, execute best option.
Takes into account -
What’s gone on at the scene
What’s evolving at the scene
My aim
Factors to achieve this - safety issues, assistance required, resources.
Actions and alternative actions
Plan out with info I have, execute best option
Done for each step of VAWSEEPO
Scene examination, who’s doing what?
Minor or routine offence - I will examine
Serious offence - specialist required, CIB, forensics, SOCO