In The Culture Of Thriving… Flashcards
What are the four categories of HOPE Pilgrim strengths TO DO thriving?
R.I.S.E. to Thrive Deeds
Relationship Building and we-ology to Thrive Deeds
Influencing Proper Behavior to Thrive Deeds
Strategic Thinking to Thrive Deeds
Execution Behavior to Thrive Deeds
What are the relationship building and we-ology strengths (R)?
(R)ISE to thrive deeds as strengths:
Includer strength as deed
Connectedness strength as deed
Relator strength as deed
Accurate empathy strength as deed
Positivity strength as deed
What are the influencing proper behavior strengths (I)?
R(I)SE to thrive deeds as strengths:
Communication strength as deed
Maximizer strength as deed
Activator strength as deed
Self - assurance strength as deed
Significance strength as deed
What are the elements of the practice of order (12)?
Divine love
Hope Choice
What is the key take away from the practice of order elements?
- Focal beings, some things have priority in moment to sustain thriving
- Within each moment we are in need of being aware of and nurturing one or more of these elements to SUSTAIN thriving
What is The Pilgrim-age?
- thriving on demand throughout life
- meeting challenges (fight for & defend purpose)
- It is the daily self directed personal empowerment behavior mindset to thrive on demand (order, discipline, self-regulation, srr mindset)
What are the elements of The Pilgrim-age?
Establishing and sustaining:
1. Foundation, identity formation, right habits as culture to thrive
2. Mental stability, emotional security, and joy to thrive on demand
What is the point of The Foundation (which is alive and evolving throughout life)?
- Activate A core result required to thrive daily
- Organizes the STANDARD for Self-Directed Personal Empowerment as part of the Pilgrim-age
- Establish system to thrive on demand
What is the point of identity formation?
- Activating a core result to thrive on demand
- purposeful result and evolution of consistency & congruence of deeds
- being competent, intentional, deliberate to be, to do, to feel, and to fulfill what truly matters as natural inclination
What must you know (7) when take the leader-ing and decider-ing competencies as pilgrim intentions to sustain thriving?
The 7 Knows to thrive:
Know your motives (?)
Know what you are doing (?)
Know who and what you must be to thrive (?)
Know how you want to feel (?)
Know you are meant to get whatever you plan to achieve (?)
Know how to sculpt a plan to thrive on demand (?)
Know purpose (?)
What is at the root of each person as a natural desire and wanted experience
-Natural desire ‘to be well’
-Want to experience:
1. Psychological safety
2. Sense of belongingness
3. Sense of matterness
4. Definity supporting thriving
How does the competencies and intentions of leader-ing and decider-ing impact your daily FOCUS?
Makes the STANDARD an experience and guides encoding memory to sustain thriving
1. Feedback self-efficacy to thrive
2. Open-mindedness (to facts, confirmation, evidence, reasoning)
3. Commitment to thrive
4. Understanding self & behavior for thriving
5. Self-asserting practice to thrive
How does one activate the forces of creative and generative WILL?
Knowing what influences behavior and guides self-use directedness to thrive
1. Engage right influences to thrive
2. Create context to thrive
3. Identify right motives to motion strategic thinking to thrive
4. Know the right performance to thrive
5. Self-governance for four aspects of culture of Thriving
What is the STANDARD for Self-Directed Personal Empowerment?
Knowing what matters and having discernment to be responsive, have remembrance, resiliency, and alignment practice to thrive in meaningful and purposeful way.
What are the elements of the STANDARD for Self-Directed Personal Empowerment behavior ?
- Self-assertion & self-efficacy matters
- Trustworthiness matters
- Accountability matters
- Nourishing self & what’s important matters
- Dedication matters
- Authenticity matters
- Being resolute matters
- Self-determination matters