In Cold Blood Quotes Flashcards
Herb Clutter
“Master of River Valley Farm”
Vocative “Mr Clutter”=high social status
“Sensible and sedate”
Lonesome area
Unnamed, unshaded, unpaved
Page 14 & 88
At the time, not a soul in sleeping Holcomb heard them- four shotgun blasts, that in total, ended six human lives.
They dont have to be left behind. You can carry them in a shoebox
American dream
He raised a fine family. He made something of his life
Even if we didnt find all of it, even if we only found some of it- are you with me Dick?
He was like a wife that must be got rid of
Deal me out, baby. Im normal.
Referred to as his ‘score’
I promise you, honey, we’ll blast hair all over them walls
Outstanding athlete… Basketball! Baseball! Football!
I guess dick resented it, not getting to college
Good grief, i wasnt flirting.
54- room
Moist, dreamy, expression
Repetition of hyphens
I sympathise with that. They’re good people. She’s a real sweet person, your mother
For Perry Smiths life had been no bed of roses but pitiful, an ugly and lonely progress- Dewey
You think i like myself? Oh the man i could have been! 132
He can make you feel sorry for him-
Perry and dick
There was, in dicks opinion, ‘something wrong’ with little perry