ín Flashcards
diminutive ‘ either in phsyical size or status. The suffix may also denote a useless or undesirable product of the base noun.
bullet, pellet
bala, el balín
flag, small flag
la bandera, el banderín
ball, lawn bowling ball
la bola, el bolín
boot, ankle boot
la bota, el botín
pharmacy, medicine chest
la botica, el botiquín
box, tiny box
caja, cajetín
stocking, sock
calceta, calcetín
sword, rapier
espada, espadín
large belt, girdle - sash
faja, fajín
suitcase, overnight case, briefcase
maleta, maletín
chair, bicycle seat
silla, sillín
bathrobe, dressing gown
la bata, el batín
alcoholic drink, cocktail aperitif
la copa, el copetín
skirt, underskirt
falda, el faldellín
iron, rust
hierro, herrín
lobster, prawn
langosta, langostín
key, latchkey
llave, llavín
wild hold, rascal scoundrel
malandar, malandrín
pilot, pilot´s apprentice
piloto, pilotín
saw, sawdust
sierra, serrín
the colour green, pond scum
verde, verdín