Impulse Control Disorders - ICDs Flashcards
What are impulse control Disorders
Impulse control disorders are characterized by the repeated failure or inability to resist a strong impulse , drive or urge that is rewarding to a person , despite its long term harmful consequences.
What are the types of impulse disorders
1) Pyromania
3) Problem gambling
What is Pyromania
This is the irresistible urge to set objects on fire
What is the criteria for pyromania
1) There is lack of apparent motive for fire setting e.g monetary gain , revenge , sabotage
2) The individual exhibits persistent fascination or preoccupation with fire and related stimuli e.g watching fireworks/fires , fire fighting equipment
3) The individual experiences a build up of tension or affective arousal/mood arousal before the act
4) The individual experiences pleasure, excitement , relief or gratification during and immediately following the act
5) The acts or attempts at fire setting are not better accounted for by a disorder of intellectual development (low iq) another mental disorder e.g manic episode or substance intoxication
6) The symptoms are a significant impairment in the core area of functioning
What is Kleptomania
Kleptomania is the urge to steal items/objects that cannot be resisted by the individual
What is the criteria for kleptomania
-Lack of apparent motive for stealing objects/items. E.g objects are not acquired for personal use . No monetary gain.
-The individual experiences increased tension or affective arousal prior to the act of stealing.
-The individual experiences pleasure , excitement , relief , or gratification during and immediately following the act.
-The symptoms cause significant impairment in the core areas of functioning.
What is gambling disorder / problem gambling
that is characterised by constant and troubled gambling behaviour, difficulty withdrawing even if big money is lost
What is the criteria for gambling disorder
1) Persistent pattern of gambling behavior , which may be predominantly online i.e over the internet or similar electronic networks or online
2) An impaired control over gambling behavior (frequency, intensity, duration of gambling)
3) Increasing priority given to gambling behavior, to the extent that gambling takes precedence over other life interests and daily activities
4) Continuation or escalation of gambling behavior despite negative consequences e.g marital conflict, financial losses, stealing .
5) the gambling behavior is not better accounted for by another mental disorder e.g manic episode or substance intoxication
6) The pattern of gambling behavior results in significant distress or impairment in the core areas of functioning.
You must have had the above symptoms for at least 12 months to get the label of gambling disorder
Why are assessments/ psychometrics done
1) to recommend an appropriate treatment program
2)To recommend referrals to specialists
Describe the K-SAS
- it is an 11 item questionnaire that measures impulses , thoughts , feelings and behaviours related to stealing
-The patient filling K-SAS picks a score that best describes how they’ve been feeling for the past one week.
-Each item is rated either on a 5 or a 6 pount rating scale.
5 point = 0-4 , 6 point 0=5 .
0=no symptoms
4 or 5 = severe symptoms
Give an example of an item on the K-SAS
- If you have had urges to steal during the past week , on average , how strong were your urges? please circle the most appropriate number . 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4.
- During the past week how many times did you steal ? please circle the most appropriate
1)None , 2) Once , 3) Two or three times , 4) several to many times , 6) Daily or almost daily
Evaluate K-SAS
1) Useful application to everyday life ;
- it can be used to assess the entry symptoms of kleptomania and the effectiveness of treatment of kleptomania in individuals post treatment.
2)High in objectivity ;
- It produces quantitative data which does not need further interpretation from the researcher , this means that the data is not contaminated.
3) Subjectivity ;
-As the K-SAS is a self - report questionnaire it is prone to subjectivity due to social desirability. Individuals may seem ashamed of their behaviour and downplay their symptoms
Describe the biological explanation for ICD’s
1) Reward deficiency syndrome.
- the dopaminergic system specifically dopamine D2 has been implicated in the reward mechanism.
-The release of dopamine is triggered by engaging in enjoyable activities e.g Impulse control disorders. engaging in ICD’s stimulates reward centers e.g ventral striatum to release dopamine.
-Reward deficiency syndrome is caused by a dysfunction in the reward pathway. When the dysfunction happens the individual becomes dopamine resistant. The individual can no longer derive pleasure/reward from ordinary everyday activities and they require more doses of those activities e.g stealing to get a similar feeling that they got from the lower doses.
-Kleptomania is a possible side effect of using synthetic dopamine for treatment of disorders such as Parkinson’s.
- Evidence shows that symptoms of gambling disorder and compulsive shopping emerge alongside the use of dopamine drugs, which further suggests a relationship between dopamine and impulse control disorders.
Evaluate the biological explanation of ICDS
1) Useful application to everyday life;
- The dopamine explanation has useful application to everyday life . as it has led to the discovery of opiate antagonists which are a class of medications used to treat ICDS.
-Medication acts as a quick fix to the disabling ICD symptoms hence improving the wellbeing of the individual.
2)Objectivity ;
- It uses scientific techniques like PET scans which reveal the neurotransmitter imbalances. They do not require researcher interpretation therefore making them objective.
3) Supports the nature side of the nature vs nurture debate ;
The nature side of the debate argues that behaviours and traits are due to genetic factors and are inherited. While the nurture side argues that behaviours and traits are a result of environmental factors e.g upbringing and life experiences.
The biological explanation supports the nature side as ICDS are caused by the rewarding feeling caused by a release of dopamine following the act e.g stealing. Overtime individuals require more and more of the act in order to acquire the rewarding feeling.
What are the two psychological explanations for ICDS
1)Positive reinforcement
2)Feeling state theory - by Robert Miller