Impromptus Flashcards
Do you accept my insurance?
“We even offer a complimentary insurance benefits check when you come in for your complimentary consultation, so you’ll know exactly what your insurance covers before you incur any charges.”
When will I get my first adjustment? or When will I get adjusted?
“Every person and case is different, and depending on the care you will need and what diagnostic tests may be necessary, will determine that. But we do offer you a complimentary consultation, so the doctor can evaluate your case and help to determine that.”
How much will it cost?
Every person and case is different, it is difficult to be sure how much it will cost before the doctor has had a chance to evaluate you and determine what care, if any, you will need. But we do offer you a complimentary consultation, so the doctor can determine the specifics of your case and estimate the costs before you incur any charges.
My low back pain has gone away. Why do i need to continue treatment?
Remember when you first came in, and we went over your chiropractic postural X-rays? Remember when I told you it would take time and repetition to correct your problem. So even though the pain is gone, we still need to continue with your adjustments, to continue to improve function so that pain will stay away. So I will see you at your appointment next week.
My orthopedist told me I can’t see a chiropractor because I’ve had back surgery.
I understand that your orthopedist was the one who did the surgery on you, what he did was fuse one bone on top of the other. What we do in this office is specific scientific chiropractic adjustments, and although those bones are fused they can still move to the right and to the left creating nerve interference. But with time and repetition we can remove that interference so you don’t need another surgery.
I don’t have insurance and I’m very tight on money.
In this office, its okay that you don’t have insurance because about 80% of our practice members use our federal discount program. Now our federal discount program allows us to give over of 50% discount over our fees, which allows us to make care affordable and convenient for you and your family.
How long before I see results?
Every case is different, Some see results between twelve and twenty visits. Some it takes up to 6 months before they see results, but healing takes time and repetition. So as long as you stick with the recommendations you received, your body WILL get better.
Do I need to take x-rays today?
Yes. The reason we have to take your x-rays today is so when you come back for your Principled Doctors Report the doctor will have your findings ready. We are going to get a picture of your structure and all of its problem areas. There are two things we do NOT want to jeopardize and that’s your health and our reputation. We are going to take these x-rays today so we can be SPECIFIC and SCIENTIFIC.
I felt worse after my first adjustment.
That’s great! I totally expected that to happen. Like the doctor said, “after your first adjustment you may feel a little sick or even sore because we are putting your spine into its proper position.” So you’re going to have those healing sensations. That’s great news!
“I feel fine”
That’s great. The fact that you feel great is perfect. You’re actually the ideal candidate for chiropractic care because chiropractic is all about preventive care & maintaining the health of your spine and in fact by the time most people feel their problem areas, whether be a symptom or disease the underlying cause had been there for a long time. Our senses only feel about 10% of our body. Do you feel your heart being right now, do you feel your lungs breathing? Literally these huge organs are pumping in your body right now and you don’t feel them. The top two leading cause of death in this country, I don’t want to scare people but it’s the truth, are heart disease and cancer. When you do feel the signs or symptoms of those conditions many times it’s too late so in this office we don’t judge your health by how you feel, but how your body’s functioning. Let’s get you scheduled for a neurological function test to test your body’s functioning and then we can see how your body is actually doing.
I feel great…Why do I need to continue chiropractic care? (Cast analogy)
Have you ever broken a bone and gotten a cast or do you know of someone who has? Say you break your arm and the doctor puts a cast on it, how long do they leave the cast on? Exactly, around 6-8 weeks. Did you know that orthopedic textbooks say that it takes an additional 9-13 months for the bones to completely heal after the cast is removed? That is why you hear so often of people that re-injure themselves soon after they have the cast removed. It is because they didn’t take the time to allow themselves to fully heal. It takes time and repetition for the body to totally heal itself and it will take time and repetition for your spine and nerve system to be restored. Does that make sense? Good, that’s why Dr. Wong recommended the corrective care plan, so you could have complete healing and correction! Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and healing takes time and repetition
Braces analogy (time and repetition)
Have you ever had braces before or know someone who has? Well, most people that have braces have to wear them for 2, 3 or 4 yrs. If you take the braces off too early, what will happen? Exactly, the teeth go crooked again! Just like principled chiropractic care, healing takes time and repetition and if we don’t finish the process, the spine will revert back to its improper condition. Also, the first few tightening’s of the braces, the teeth will be sore, and the gums may even bleed, likewise after your first few adjustments, your spinal muscles will be sore and ligaments will be stretched for a time being which can cause burning , twitching , soreness in the those areas for a time as the body heals.
After adjustment, felt worse….
You are experiencing retracing, what is happening is that your body is healing. When you take drugs, they just cover up the symptoms, but don’t actually get to the cause of the problem. As we are making specific adjustments we are getting to the cause of the underlying problem, old trauma, scar tissue, and injuries will start to heal. This process can be painful in the beginning as your body changes, however it is a good sign we are correcting the problem. Retracing only will take place over the first few chiropractic visits.
**Optional….A common example is someone who has had really severe migraines for years, after their first adjustment or two, the migraines will seem to be worse, but then they will go away totally as the retracing process happens and the body heals itself.
After adjustment, got worse…
working out analogy
Do you work out or remember a time that you did? Do remember what you felt like the next few days? Yes, probably pretty sore. That’s typical after not working out in a while then start to exercise your muscles. This same principle applies to a chiropractic adjustment. Your spine has been in a state of limbo for a while and is not used to the proper structure that it needs to be in. Therefore, the first few adjustments may give you a little soreness. Once you start receiving chiropractic adjustments on a regular basis your spine and muscles will be much more accepting of the adjustment and that’s also when you will start seeing your results.
When will I start seeing results?
body building analogy (results takes time and repetition)
Have you ever worked out on a consistent basis? When did you start seeing the results, the next few days or the next few months? That’s right, the results don’t start happening until a few weeks down the road. Even body builders who work out religiously will admit to not getting the results unless they have put in the work and dedication in the gym. The same thing goes for your spine. We will not start seeing the results until after a few adjustments, and it’s only when you are committed to receiving your adjustments on a regular basis that you will start seeing the results that you want. Healing takes time and repetition.