Impression Flashcards
Impression tray are
a device that is used to carry, confine
and control impression material while making an impression.
Ideal requirements of impression materials
- Non-toxic & non-irritant.
• 2. Should have pleasant colour, odour and taste.
• 3. Ease to manipulate with minimum equipments.
• 4. Suitable working & setting time.
• 5. Adequate shelf-life for storage.
• 6. Should be elastic to allow the removal from the
undercuts without permanent deformation.
• 7. Adequate strength, so that will not break or tear
on removal from the mouth.
• 8. Should be dimensionally-stable
Classification of Impression Materials
stearic acid will function as
(plasticizer is a material that is added to increase the flow).
Classification of impression compound
Type I: Low-fusing impression compound, may be
presented as sticks (green-stick compound) or as cake
form, their softening temperature is 55 - 60 ˚C
Type II: High-fusing compound (tray compound), this type
act as a tray by which an impression will be made using
another impression material like Zinc oxide & eugenol.
Properties of impression compound:
poor conductor of heat
Type 1, flow is more than 85% at 45 ˚C
Softening temperature: Type 1 softens at 55 ˚C- 60 ˚C or 130 ˚F – 140 ˚F.
• Impression compound can not be used whenever undercut area
Manipulation of impression compound:
Dry heat: for green-stick compound, which is used for border molding
of special trays
For manipulation of impression compound cakes:
• manipulated by heating in thermostatically-controlled water bath
(wet heat) at 55-60˚C, The impression
compound cake must be kneaded in the water bath
impression compound application
ype I: Low-fusing compound:
– For making impression of completely-edentulous jaws (in case of
impression compound cakes).
– As border molding of special tray (in case of green-stick compound).
Type II: Tray compound:
– Type II used as tray
erecommended disinfection solution for impression compound is
2% alkaline gluteraldehyde
solution (immersion for 10 minutes)
Zinc oxide &eugenol impression pastes useful for
Edentulous patients
For zinc oxide &eugenol impression pastes,
zinc oxide …
Vegetable oil …
Gum rosin …
Calcium chloride…..
Major constituent
Facilities the speed of reaction
Setting reaction of Zinc oxide &eugenol impression
Zinc oxide + water> zinc hydroxide
• Then the reaction occurs as a typical acid-base reaction (chelation)
Zinc hydroxide + Eugenol > Zinc eugenolate + water
Control of setting time:
- Proportioning: by a change in the proportion (length) of the zinc oxide paste
to the eugenol paste (base & accelerator pastes). - Temperature and humidity: higher temperature and humidity shorten the
setting time. So cooling the spatula and mixing slab will increase setting time. - Mixing: prolonged mixing reduce setting time.
- Uses of modifiers:
a. Accelerators:
-Drop of water, -drop of alcohol, -zinc acetate
b. Retarders:
-Inert oil (olive or mineral oil) , -waxes, -vaseline
Zoe Properties:
• Dimensional stability: Less than 0.1% shrinkage
• Excellent reproduction of tissue details.
Zoe advantages
• 1. Adheres well to the dry surface of the impression tray.
• 2. Adequate working time.
• 3. Dimensionally-stable.
• 4. Hard enough to build up tray deficiencies.
• 5. Compatible with cast material, no separating medium is required
before pouring.
• 6. Registers accurate details of the tissue.
• 7. It can be disinfected by immersion in 2% acidic gluteraldehyde
solution (cidex) for 10 minutes
Zoe disadvantages
• 1. May cause burning sensation to oral tissue due to
eugenol {alternatively non-eugenol (carboxylic acid
compounds) pastes are used}.
• 2. Can not be used in case of presence of undercut.
• 3. Difficult to clean
• 4. Temperature and humidity influence the setting time