Imposition Types Flashcards
Imposto sobre Circulacao De Mercadorias e Servicos - ICMS is state sales tax due on the physical movement of merchandise. Also levied on inter-state and inter-municipal transport services, communications and electricity.
Imposto sobre Produtos Industrialzados - IPI excise tax on all good imported or manufactured in Brazil.
Imposto Sobre Servicos - ISS is a municipal tax on gross billings for services. Services are defined by federal law but each municipality can have it’s own taxed services.
Contribuicao para o Finaciamento da Sequridade Social - Social contribution on billing. A social contribution for funding social welfare programs. Gross receipts from supply of goods and services.
Programa de Integracao Social - Contribution to the social integration program. Used to fund unemployment insurance program. Gross receipts from supply of goods and services.
ICMS - Applicability
Standard rate of 17%, 18% in Minas,Gerals, Sao Paulo, and Parana. 19% in Rio de janeiro. For inter state sales the rate is reduced (7 or 12%). Applied to goods imported and sold in Brazil where similar goods are available in Brazil. Goods subject to industrial process after customs clearance that have 40% or more imported content. There is a lower rate for some specific goods and services.
National Council of Fiscal Policy
IPI - Applicability
Tax charged on an ad valorem rate according to the type o product as per the International Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. Rates rant from zero to a maximum of 333% but average 10%. There are an extensive list of products that are zero rate or exempt.
ISS - Applicability
The standard rate of ISS is 5%. Rates can vary from one municipality to another.
PIS - Applicability
The standard rate is 1.65%. Reduced rates exist for certain products and services. Exports are exempt.
COFINS - Applicability
The standard rate of 7.6%. Reduced rates exist for certain products and services. Exports are exempt.
Export of Goods and Services
Have tax immunity - exempt
Import of Goods
II (import duty), ICMS, IPI, PIS/COFINS paid by the taxpayer legally registered in the country.
Import of Services
The company importing the service is responsible for paying ISS, PIS and CONFINS. The non resident is not obligated to register in Brazil and will not be responsible for any taxes.
Taxable Base Amounts for Domestic Supplies
Value of the transaction plus expenses charged - insurance and freight. Conditional discounts are part of the taxable base.