Name the nutrient groups and what their functions are.
Carbohydrates– Provide energy
Protein– Build and repair tissue
Fats– Provide backup energy
Vitamins and minerals– Maintain optimal health
Water– Enables vital bodily functions
Name the organs in the digestive system and give their functions and movement.
Mouth– Chewing– Breaks down food
Oesophagus– Peristalsis– Pushes food to your stomach
Stomach– Upper muscle in stomach relaxes to let food enter, and lower muscle mixes food with digestive juice– Breaks down protein
Small intestine– Peristalsis– Absorbs nutrients into bloodstream
Pancreas– None– Produces enzymes
Liver– None– Produces bile
Large intestine– Peristalsis– Absorbs water and salts
Write down the food tests and positive results for proteins, sugar, starch and lipids.
Test for proteins– Add biuret solution to proteins, the colour purple indicates protein is present
Test for sugars– Add benedicts solution to food, heat in hot water, solution will turn green or yellow or orange or red (red is a positive test)
Test for starch– Add iodine to the food, It will turn blue-black if test is positive
Test for lipids– Add ethanol solution to food, shake tube gently for 1 minute, put in a different tube, if it turns cloudy it contains lipids
What are the risks associated with smoking and drinking alcohol?
-Cancers of the Mouth and Throat
-Liver Cancer
-Cardiovascular Disease
-Mutual Craving
-A Common Brain System
-Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance
-Genetic Factors
What energy is…?
a) stored in a battery
b) stored in hot tea
c) stored in a stretched spring
d) in a moving object
What is the law of conservation of energy?
Describe conduction. Describe an experiment we did to demonstrate conduction.
Write down the pros and cons of fossil fuels.
Write down the pros and cons of each renewable energy resource we studied.
Write the equation for calculating power and work.
What is the Periodic table?
Where are metals and non metals found?
What are the properties of metals and non metals?
Where are the alkali metals?
Give their chemical and physical properties. Which alkali metal is most reactive and why?
Where are the halogens?
Give their chemical and physical properties. Which halogen is most reactive and why?