Important terms to know Flashcards
Ability traits
Traits that describe our skills and how efficiently we will be able to work toward our goals.
Actualization Tendency
The basic human motivation to actualize, maintain, and enhance the self.
Aggressive personality
The compulsion to destroy, conquer and kill.
Analytical psychology
Jung’s theory of personality
Anima archetype; animus archetype
Feminine aspects of the male psyche; masculine aspects of the female psyche.
To Freud, a feeling of fear and dread without an obvious cause, reality anxiety is a fear of tangible dangers, neurotic anxiety involves a conflict between id and superego.
Images of universal experiences contained in the collective unconscious.
Basic anxiety
A pervasive feeling of loneliness and helplessness; the foundation of neurosis
Basic strengths
To Erikson, motivating characteristics and beliefs that derive from the satisfactory resolution of the crisis at each developmental stage.
Basic weakness
To Erikson, motivating characteristics that derive from the unsatisfactory resolution of the developmental crisis.
Behavior modification
A form of therapy that applies the principles of reinforcement to bring about desired behavioral changes.
Behavioral genetics
The study of the relationship between genetic or hereditary factors and personality traits.
The school of psychology founded by John B. Watson that focuses on psychology as the study of overt behavior rather than of mental processes.
Cardinal traits
The most pervasive and powerful human traits.
Case Study
A detailed history of an individual that contains data from a variety of sources.
Castration Anxiety
A boy’s fear during the Oedipal period that his penis will be cut off.
The expression of emotions that are expected to lead to the reduction of disturbing symptoms.
An investment of psychic energy in an object or person.
Central Traits
The handful of outstanding traits that describe a person/s behavior.
Cognitive complexity
A cognitive style or way of constructing the environment characterized by the ability to perceive differences among people.
Cognitive needs
Innate needs to know and to understand.