Important Terms Flashcards
14 points for quality
improvement by Dr
Total Quality Management (TQM) process was
developed to stress management’s responsibility for
A chase aggregate plan
Aggregate plan is preferable when a company produces
custom or special purpose equipment, one-of-a-kind
items, or highly perishable products
o Produce what is needed for each week, month,
and/or year
o used for products with large production
o Disadvantages: can be expensive; constantly
changing short term capacity
o Example, how you are going to schedule
labor? Think about scheduling
employees in a restaurant busy weekends
verses non-busy middle of the week.
o Produces exactly what is needed each period
o Sets labor/equipment capacity to satisfy period
o Good for make-to-order products
o Uses Capacity-Based Options
A company manufactures
and distributes its own
products. When should the
company consider
outsourcing its
When the company determines that distribution is no
longer a core function
o You don’t want to tie up your resources (like
money or people) performing non-core
A company suddenly finds
demand has increased to
140% of its previous
capacity. It has been able to
hire only a fraction of the
employees previously laid
off, and a warehouse fire
destroyed 80% of its
Which two options does the
company have to rapidly
meet the new demand?
Hire temporary workers
o Subcontract a portion of production capacity
A hybrid aggregate plan
Combination of the above two strategies
o Take the best of the two
Once you know which strategy
you going to use, you must know
your production rate.
▪ You don’t want back orders
o Adjust your plan
▪ Look at your inventory and labor
to make sure everything is
▪ Consider the type of service are
you giving to customers
▪ Are the people working for you?
▪ Can you offer them real jobs?
▪ Is your labor work stable or are
you utilizing temporary workers?
A level aggregate plan
Constant plan
o The average of the product is figured out
and used for stock products
▪ Example, items you would
purchase at Target Stores
o Disadvantage: you are forecasting
demand, but demand cannot be averages;
demand can change each week
o Maintains a constant workforce
o Sets capacity to accommodate average demand
o Often used for make-to-stock products like
o Disadvantage- builds inventory and/or
uses back orders. Remember extra
inventory is tying up money that can be
used for other purposes.
Actual output/standard
Example, a fast-food restaurant performing at, above, or
below its benchmark
o Indicates how many burgers are being made and
what the standard is for that restaurant
Assignable causes of
Causes that can be identified and resolved
• Examples: employees additional training,
machine need to be repaired, poor material
• Out-of-control signals were found in the
process. These causes (process defects) are
identified and corrected
• Resolution: Eliminate the cause; for
example, train poor performing employee,
repair the machine
Backward scheduling
Scheduling method that determines when the job must
be started to be done on the due date
Batch process
Process used to produce a small quantity of products in
groups (batches) based on customer orders or
specifications. (Think of making a batch of cookies).
Block plan
Schematic (graph or chart) showing the placement of
resources in a facility
o Space requirements met
o Determine if more space is needed
Bottleneck in a flowchart
The longest task in the process
o Remember, bottleneck represents anything in a
process that takes a long time
o For example, in manufacturing cars, painting the
car will generally take a long time. This would
be considered the bottleneck
Budget projections
Element of a financial plan
o A component from accounting
By reducing waste
Just-in-time (JIT) and lean systems add value.
o Waste could be additional inventory or
something setting around waiting for something
else. The concept of waste is if you are not using
it now it’s waste because it can’t be used
immediately; therefore, there is no immediate
C pk measure
Measures how close one is to a target and how
consistent one is with the average performance
Capacity focus
Facilities that are small, specialized, and focused on a
narrow set of objectives
Capacity measurement at
the best operating level
When the average unit cost is minimized
Capacity planning
Helps an organization identify and plan the
actions necessary to meet current and future
customer demands
• An example of capacity planning: hospital is
adding beds. They don’t usually add one or two
beds. This is usually done in bulks.
• There is no really cut and dry way to measure
capacity, but it can be used to measure output.
• For example, a pizza shop may not be able to
measure how many pizzas it can make today but
it can know how many pizzas it didn’t make
• Remember for example, your capacity in the
hospital environment is your beds but your
output is your patients.
You have one patient for 2 days or one
for 3 days that’s output
o You consider how many patients you
have dealt with; not how many beds you
o Another example, look at how many
people that are making pizzas and how
many go out of the door (are sold)
capacity requirements
planning (CRP)
Method used to calculate the production capacity
o Need to look at how much capacity is available
o Uses planned order releases from the MRP
output to calculate the workload. (Think about
how much capacity do you need to make 100
cakes per day; Can you do this in your home
Capacity utilization
Measures how much of the available capacity
(%) is actually being used
• Responds to the questions: Are you using less or
more? Are you using more workers? What are
your resources?
• Measures effectiveness
• Use either effective or design capacity in
Center-of-gravity approach
Consider the following: A manufacturing company
decides to open a new distribution center location in
order to minimize distribution costs to warehouses or
stores. What tool should the manufacturing company
use to determine where the new distribution center
should be located?
• Breakeven analysis - determines the units
needed to manufacture in order to breakeven
• Includes fixed costs (FC) and Variable cost (VC)
or changing costs, Transportation cost
• Center of gravity means placing yourself in the
o For example, take all the people with
whom business you do the business and
put yourself in the middle (center) of it
• Below distance model tells how far the facility
location from other stores
• Location in the middle and circle around it
A list of common defects and the number of observed
occurrences of these defects.
Common causes or random
Causes that cannot identified
• These causes are unavoidable
• They are caused by slight differences in
Compute Process Velocity
Throughput time/value-added time
o Determines speed of process (how fast we are
The first stage of the project life cycle
o Identifies the need for a project
▪ Example, A company decides to enter
into a new market.
Conducting a location
- Proximity to sources of supply
- Site consideration
Control chart
Graph that shows whether a sample of data falls within
the common or normal range of variation.
Design Capacity
Maximum output rate attainable under ideal
• Example, a bakery can make 30 custom cakes
per day when pushed at holiday time
Difference between the
Push and Pull processes
Push moves the product forward in anticipation
for demand
o Pull eliminates excessive inventory (remember
that because you only take what you can process
not what is being forced or pushed to you.
Duration of the change
Duration represents length of stay
o How long does the change last or stay?
Effective capacity
A permanent measure used to achieve design
• Lower than design capacity
• Maximum output rate under normal (realistic)
conditions; usually lower than design capacity
• Example, on average a bakery can make 20
custom cakes per day
ERP (enterprise resource
An information system designed to integrate internal
and external members of the supply chain
o Software used to organize and manage processes
through information sharing
o Management control
o Decisions can be made quickly
Systems can be replaced and eliminated
resulting in save money
o Reduction in inventory
o Reduction in number of staffs
o Increased production
o Better order management
o Reduce purchasing costs
o Better cash flow
o Reduction logistics and transportation
o Customers are happier due to on-time
The fourth stage of the project life cycle
o Carrying out the activities that make up the
▪ For example, consider the wedding
anniversary party above: this would
entail booking the facility, arranging the
music, conducting seating arrangements,
finalizing the menu, arranging the
limousine pickup, and so on.
▪ In business, the execution of the project
entails completing the product design,
obtaining the materials and equipment
needed, setting up the process, writing
job instructions, and making the product
▪ For a political candidate, execution
would include specific fund-raising
activities, making public appearances,
and showcasing the political message
External distributors
The role third-party logistics providers play in the
supply chain
o Outside the company
o Could include: another company,
transportations, suppliers
Feasibility analysis
The second stage of the product life cycle
o Evaluate expected costs, benefits, and risks of
the project
▪ Example 1: A couple’s wedding
anniversary - a feasibility study might
mean deciding whether the couple would
be happier by being guests at the party or
if they would rather take a getaway trip
to visit some exotic part of the world.
▪ Example 2 - A company launching a new
product - a feasibility study means
examining the potential market, the
market share, and profits for the new
product compared to the costs.
▪ Example 3 – A Political Candidate - a
feasibility study is a candidate’s
assessment of the resources needed to
run a successful political campaign and
the benefits of being elected to office.
Finished goods
Completed goods from the manufacturing process that
have not yet been sold or distributed to end users
o A manufacturing firm uses warehouses and
shippers in their supply chain.
o At which stage of the firm’s inventory
management system would the statement
“percentage of line items shipped on schedule”
be used?
o You are shipping finished goods
o If they are sold, it is sunk costs
Finite Loading
Scheduling that loads work centers up to a
predetermined amount of capacity.
o Entails working forward
o Calculation of capacity is based on the
capacity available
o Start and finish time of each activity
o Example, if a doctor can spend 10
minutes with a patient, they can schedule
6 patients per hour
Chart showing the sequence of steps in producing the
product or service
Forward scheduling
Schedule that determines the earliest possible
completion date for a job
o Starts as soon as the job is received
Group technology
A company have a number of facility and each facility
is responsible for a particular process.
o Example, one facility manufactures, and another
provides servicing
Horizontal integration
Company acquires another company that is the same
o Example: Facebook acquisition of Instagram
Infinite loading
Scheduling that calculates the capacity needed at work
centers in the time period needed without regard to the
capacity available to do the work.
o Entails working backwards
o The job is planned backwards
o Calculation of the capacity regardless of
the capacity availability
o For example, if a customer needs X product built
in Y time, we tell customer what the end result is
and identify the resources needed to get there
Scheduling that calculates the capacity needed at work
centers in the time period needed without regard to the
capacity available to do the work.
o Entails working backwards
o The job is planned backwards
o Calculation of the capacity regardless of
the capacity availability
o For example, if a customer needs X product built
in Y time, we tell customer what the end result is
and identify the resources needed to get there
Within the company
Inventory management
differ for manufacturing
organizations compared to
service organizations
Manufacturing organizations must maintain
tangible inventory
o Avoid keeping large amount of inventory
o Serving organizations do not maintain inventory
ISO 9000
Developed to establish agreement on
international quality standards
o TQM process consists of 13 published standards
and guidelines
o These are published and can be used in all
o Businesses are to measure themselves against
o If the criteria are met, then the business can
become ISO 9000 certified
o Businesses are updating to ISO 9001 or ISO
o It helps control standards
o Businesses must meet specific values and are
audited to those standards
o It’s comparative to joint commission who go to
hospitals without telling them and measure how
they do procedures. If you don’t meet standards,
they give you time to improve and then they
come back to check it
ISO 14000
Standards for evaluating a company’s
environmental responsibility
o Focuses on three major areas
• Management systems standards measure
systems development and integration of
environmental responsibility into the
overall business
• Operations standards include the
measurement of consumption of natural
resources and energy
Environmental systems standards
measure emissions, effluents, and other
waste systems
Job Design
Specifies the work activities or contents of
the job
o Doesn’t have anything to do with people
Job enrichment
Motivational tool used to give employees greater
satisfaction in their work
o For example, giving an employee additional
work reserved for more skilled or manager-level
Just-in-time (JIT) system
influence all functional
areas within a company
Control inventory levels in order to eliminate
excess inventory or lower than required
o Companies can reduce waste
o Companies develop new ways to generate
Kanban significance to the
pull system
Kanban system: which is a scheduling system for lean
o It specifies the exact quantity of a product that
needs to be produced.
o Pull system tells you how much to be produced
o Starts when customers order it
o Could be more expensive and custom type of
o Small lots mean less average inventory and
shorten manufacturing lead time
o Push system gives you a forecast
o Forecast how much inventory you going to need
Labor specialization
Work system acknowledges the benefits of employee
o If an employee is good at doing one thing, they
will be asked keep on doing it
Lean systems
A business approach to holistically apply lean principles
to the way it plans, measures prioritizes, and manages
o Depicts what has been created to minimize waste
without sacrificing productivity
o Lean system is the whole package
o JIT is part of lean system
Marketing plan essential to
the creation of the
aggregate plan
The marketing plan provides insight into operations
goals and activities for the year.
o Aggregate - everything together
o Taking all different components and
putting them together.
▪ Tell the other departments what
their goals, sales quarters, etc. are
for the upcoming period
A statistic that measures the central tendency of a set of
MRP (material
requirements planning)
A system that uses the MRP, inventory record data, and
BOM to calculate material requirements
▪ MPS – check to ensure work is feasible
▪ Determine how much material is needed
and bringing in the materials needed
▪ BOM (Bill of Material) model – contains
the product structure for each model
o Uses the concept of backward scheduling to
determine activity start dates to include:
▪ What to order
▪ How much to order
▪ When to order
▪ When to deliver
▪ When to replenish
o Organized priorities
o Looks at demand and schedules to meet the
o MRP systems are designed to calculate material
requirements from dependent demand items
o The objectives of MRP are to determine the
quantity and timing of material requirements and
to keep schedule priorities updated and valid.
Observed time
Actual time
Performance time
The length of time to completion (from start to finish)
Periodic Review System Vs
Perpetual Review System
o Physical verification
o For example, a periodic review of inventory
done every Friday of the month. The inventory
will be we will be physically counted on that
specified day.
o Constant moving things
o Inventory is updated its going to be updated after
every transaction
The third stage of the product life cycle
o Analyze the work to be done and develop time
estimates for completing each of the activities
o Plan what must be done, by whom, and
▪ Example 1, A couple’s wedding
anniversary - When planning the
party, a friend or another family
member might do the initial
screening of caterers, musicians,
and so forth, allowing the wedded
couple to make the final decision.
o In business, planning consists of the
activities needed to launch the new
▪ For example, the company must
design the new product, source
and order the materials,
equipment, and tools, choose the
process to use, design the layout,
write the job instructions, do a
pilot run, evaluate the process and
the product design, and transition
the product to manufacturing.
o In politics, for example, planning might
include deciding how to raise funds,
schedule personal appearances and
debates, handle public relations, and
adopt policy positions
A sequence of events or steps. Each item goes through a
Project process
Process used to make a one-at-a-time product exactly to customer specifications (how the customer wants it)
Proximity to customers
major factor in the decision to locate a
business near its primary market territory
• key factor of a location analysis for a service
• Example, if you need to have your car
repaired, you may look for the repair shop
nearest to you
Repetitive Processes
Process used to produce one or a few standardized
products in high volume. For example, a production line
making nothing but Oreo cookies
Respect for people
An element of JIT that considers human resources as an
essential part of the JIT philosophy
o Third basic element in the just-in-time (JIT)
o The first element is total quality management
(TQM) and the second is JIT manufacturing
Revised or implemented
new operations
Follow up to make sure the new operation resolves
quality problems
Scatter diagram
Graphs that show how two variables are related to each
SCOR (Supply Chain
Operations Reference)
Name of the model that has been created to examine the
four different supply chain perspectives namely,
o reliability, flexibility, expenses, and
Service location decision
Factors affecting include: Proximity to customers,
Quality-of-life issues
Six Sigma
The use of technical tools for identify and
eliminate the causes of quality problems
o People involvement - able to use technical tools
and solve problems
o the empirical rule: 3 standard deviations is 3
o 6 standard sigma means almost at 100%. It is a
target, but you can never complete 100%, that is,
you are 6 deviations out, and have almost 100%
of TQM. Outcome: You are going to be reliable.
o Example, when looking for jobs, people
sometimes imply that Six Sigma certified means
you have taken courses that can promote the Six
Sigma program.
o Six Sigma in practice:
o Perfect product at all times
o Nothing can be 100% but it meets the six
o No more than 3.4 defects per million
opportunities (DPMO)—this is a very
small number
o This is the number that the quality strives
in Six Sigma
o After 3 deviations, it just gets smaller
and smaller.
Standard time
The length of time it takes how long it takes to finish a
task or complete one’s work
o For example, measure long it takes a qualified
operator to perform a duty of the job
requirements under the assumption that the
operator is working at a sustainable pace with
the proper tools for the process
Status of overall customer
satisfaction support supply
chain objectives
It measures efficiency.
o Overall customer service is important
Suggestions for improving
the operation.
An organization can designate employees to
communicate alternative ways to complete a job in a
methods analysis
o Helps make business better,
o Identify different ways to communicate
The final stage of the project life cycle
o End the project
o After this date, resources can be used for
different activities.
o Examples:
▪ For the wedding anniversary party,
termination occurs after the party is over
▪ In business, termination means product
design engineers work on new products,
purchasing agents can return to routine
activities or a new project, and
manufacturing engineers can begin work
on new projects.
▪ For the political candidate, termination
means serving in an elected office or
looking for a new job
The Role of Marketing in
just-in-time (JIT)
JIT marketing focuses on customer-driven
o Manage inventory levels (high and low)
o Objective: satisfied the customer through
product availability
Throughput time/valueadded
The time it takes from raw material to finished goods
Tier One Suppliers
Supplier supplies directly to the processor
o Supplies component (automobiles) to the
manufactures (that’s the start)
o Supplies parts or systems of parts directly to
Tier Three Suppliers
Supplies directly to tier two supplier
o Directly supplies materials or services to a
processing and packaging plant
o Example, suppliers of raw materials like plastic
Tier Two Suppliers
Supplier supplies directly to tier one
o Supplies a lot of non-automotive customers
o They do not have the ability or desire to
produce automobile parts. They are not
supplying the actual parts of automobile
to the manufacturer
To manage the demand for
promised deliveries
Primary purpose in using the master production
schedule (MPS) in the marketing department of
an organization
See Ch 14, Slide #10: MPS:
Manufacturing productions schedule,
what and when to build.
- They were building a cabinet
- MPS was in the statement when
and what to build.
- Manage the demand of delivery
system because the objective is to
manage not to create something
Two areas managers should
consider in order to adapt
to the business dynamics
affecting their company
Their control over internal operations
o Their influence and leverage over supplies
o PS: There is a need to control internal
operations as well as suppliers
Two common drawbacks of
implementing an enterprise
resource planning (ERP)
It takes a long time to implement and to see any
o It requires extensive, often complex, training.
Two reasons a company
might be hesitant to
provide overtime as a
capacity-based option
Overtime is not a long-term solution
o Overtime is typically a 50% wage
o Increase cost in payroll
o Quality of product due to employee overworked
and exhaustion
Two strategic objectives for
every member of the supply
chain include:
Increasing cost effectiveness
o Becoming more efficient
Two ways management can
assist employees’ focus in a
just-in-time (JIT)
processing environment
Ensure that workers receive multifunctional
o Develop an incentive system to reward workers
for their efforts
o Insure that they are well-trained
o Provide bonuses for completing work on
time or before time.
Vertical integration
Company acquires another company that is not the same
o Examples:
o Google purchased Motorola
o Ikea purchased forests in Africa to get
their own wood
What is the importance of
capacity requirements
planning (CRP)?
It provides the ability to compare available production
capabilities to the planned workload.
o Provides the ability to compare the actual