Important Terms Flashcards
African National Congress ( ANC )
Group formed in 1912 to work for blacks right in South Africa.
Absolute Monarchy
System in which a ruler ( king or queen ) has complete authority over the government without limits on his/her powers.
Agrarian Economy
Economic system that centers on agriculture as the chief source if wealth.
Traditional African religion.
Prejudice against Jewish.
Official policy of strict segregation of the races
*AFRIKAANS WORD -Apartness *
Policy of giving in to the demands of the aggressor to avoid war.
Government ruled by nobles or the upper class.
Temporary agreement to stop fighting.
Balance of power
Distribution of military and economic powers among rival so that one nations doesn’t have more power than its neighbors or other nations.
Black Death
Bubonic plague or contagious disease during the 14th century whose death toll is estimated to have exceeded 100 millions in EUROPE ASIA AFRICA.
Left-wing majority group of the Russian Socialist Democratic Party under the leader of Nikolai Lein
Middle class between aristocrats and workers.
Major religion of eastern and Central Asia founded in 6 century b.c.
Traditional code of Japanese Warrior class ( the samurai ) during the feudal period.
Title for the successor to Mohammed as the political and religious leader of Islam.
Byzantine empire
Eastern part of the Roman Empire
Economic system in which the means of productions and the distribution of goods and wealth are controlled by individuals and operated for profit.
Caste system
Division of society into four major groups based on occupations or birth.
Civil disobedience
Nonviolent or passive resistance ; refusal to obey unjust laws that are morally wrong.
Classical period
Name for the periodic history that pertains to the artistic style of Ancient Greece & Rome.
Class system
Social division of society based on wealth, birth, education,occupation, or race.
Cold War
Period of tension & hostility between the united stated and the Soviet Union after 1945 because of their different political and economic system
Ended 1991 collapse of Soviet Union.
System under communism in which many small farms were combined into larger farms owned and oersted by the government and worked by peasant.
Started by Stalin 1920