Important Stuff Flashcards
Qualifications for strategic games
Mutual awareness of cross effect. Unless there are two or more players, each of whom responds to what others do, or what they think the other might do, it is not a game.
Two types of strategic games
Sequential moves and simultaneous moves
How impersonal markets become strategic games
Mutual commitment or private information. When each participant is significant in the interaction, either because each is a large player to begin with of because commitments or private information narrow the scope so that each player is important in the relationship.
Mutual commitment
When choosing one builder to renovate it becomes a strategic game for example. When the relationship becomes bilateral.
Private information
Insurance company determining health of individual applicants.
Constant sum game
Often substituted for a zero sum game. The idea is that the players’ interests are in complete conflict.
One shot games
Actions are more likely to be unscrupulous or ruthless
Classifying games
1) are the moves sequential or simultaneous?
2) are the players’ interests in total conflict or is there some commonality?
3) is the game played once or repeatedly, and with the same or changing opponents?
4) do the players have full or equal information?
5) are the rules fixed or manipulable?
6) are agreements to cooperate enforceable?
Limitations on information
External uncertainty and strategic uncertainty
External uncertainty
A player may be uncertain about external circumstances
Strategic uncertainty
A player may be uncertain about exactly what moves the opponent has made in the past of is making at the time the player makes her move
Perfect information
A game that doesn’t have external or strategic uncertainty
Incomplete or asymmetric information
When one player knows more than another. In such situations players attempt to infer, conceal, or sometimes convey their private information.
Good principle 1
You want to release your information selectively. You want to reveal the good information (the kind that will draw responses from the other players that work to your advantage) and conceal the bad (the kind that may work to your disadvantage)
Signals- signaling
Opponents will not recognize your unsupported declarations about progress or capabilities. They can be convinced only by objective evidence or by actions that are credible proof of your information. Such actions on the part of the more informed player are called signals.