Important Statistics Flashcards
What was inflation at before Thatcher?
Periods ofover 20% in the late 70s and at 14% in 1979
How much did Thatcher reduce inflation by?
Reduced to single figures by 1982, never rose above 9% for the rest of the 80s
Though: 1979 inflation at 10.3% and 1990 at 10.9% - no change
How far did manufacturing fall between 1980-1
In 1980 how far did inflation rise due to soaring pay demands?
What was unemployment at in 1982?
3 million
How much did the sale of British Gas raise?
£5.4 billion
How much money was raised from privitisation?
£19 billion
How did shareholders increase between 1979-90
3-11 million
By 1990 how many shareholders were owned by individuals?
How many jobs were lost as a result of coal privitisation?
How much was economic growth during the Lawson Boom?`
4-5% a year
How much did private household debt increase from 1980-89?
£16 billion to £47 billion
What was personal debt at by 2003?
£1.3 trillion - highest in Europe
How much did the 1980 Budget reduce the top rate of income tax?
83% to 60%
How much did the 1988 Budget reduce income tax
Basic rate decreased from 29% to 25%
High rate of income tax reduced to 40%
How much was VAT increased in 1979?
rose from 8 to 15%
How much did the average tax bill rise between 1979-90 due to indirect taxation?
rose by 6%
How did the reduction in direct taxation affect the amount of tax avoidance?
Wealthiest 5% paid as much tax in 1988 at 40% rate as they did in 1978 at the 83% rate
How did the numbers of TU members change between 1979-90
13.5 million to under 10 million
How did the days lost to strike action decrease?
10.5 million between 1980-84 to 0.8 million 1990-94
How did the number of miners decrease?
Between 1974 to 1991 number of miners fell from 200,000 to 10,000
How much did crime rates increase during the 1980s?
Doubled, Battle of Orgreaves partly responsible
How many environmental ministers were fired over 3 years?
1/4 of them
How many civil servants had been sacked by 1988?
22.5% - saving £1 billion
How far did the number of government employees fall?
Fell from 2.5 to 2.1 million between 1979-95
How many council homes were sold as a result of the Right to Buy scheme?
200,000 between 1982-3
How much did Thatcher cut central government payments to local government?
From 60% to 49% of funding
How much did NHS funding increase between 1980-87?
Rose 60%
How many NHS trusts were in debt by 1996?
How did cuts in income tax benefit the rich more than the poor?
By 1989 the bottom 10% paid £400 million less, the top 10% paid £9.3 billion less
How did the income of the poorest and richest differ?
Income of the richest rose from 61% between 1979-92, while the income of the poorest decreased by 18%
How many pensioners lived under the poverty line?
Increased from 13% to 43%
How did unemployment rise in Wales?
73,000 unemployed in 1979 –> rising to 166,000 in 1986
How did drug offenses increase in Wales?
1,308 in 1990 compared to 605 in 1979
In 2019 what was the UK declared as the most in Europe?
Regionally most unequal
In 1987 how many people believed homosexuality was ‘almost or mostly wrong’
How did the number of politicians with a degree rise?
40% in 1918 to 75% in 2010
How did the background of labour MPs change?
Fraction of Labour MPs from a manual background was 1/3 in 1945, but 1/10 in 2010
How did the number of MPs from a legal background decline?
70% in 1974 to 30% in 1997
How did Thatcher’s taxation policy after her reign?
Basic income tax was reduced from 25% to 23% in 1997
How did the conservatives become less posh?
The number of MPs educated at public school dropped from 75% to 66% between 1974-87
How were the conservatives still dominated by men?
Female MPs rose from 19% to 41% during Thatcher’s reign
How many votes did labour get in 1983 election?
Only 28%
How did Right to Buy increase Conservative support?
60% of Labour voters who bought their council house voted Tory in subsequent elections?
How much did hospital funding increase between 2000-04?
6% increase above inflation each year