Important Quotations Twelfth Night Flashcards
At the beginning of chapter one what line does Orsino use to imply his love for Olivia?
“O, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, Methought she purged the air of Pestilence!” -she purified the air
How does valentine describe her mourning in act one?
“Like a cloistress(nun), she will veiled walk” Olivia’s excessive mourning that she wants everyone to know about
Act 1 scene two what does viola say when she changes her identity
“Conceal me for what I am, and be my aid/ For such disguise as haply shall become/The form of my intent”
How does Sir Toby ‘big up’ Aguecheek to Maria in Act 1 scene 3?
“He has three thousand ducats a year….and speaks three or four languages” -excess & create comedy when audience see what he’s actually like
Toby’s Drinking excess in Act 1 scene 3
“I’ll drink as long as there is a passage in my throat and drink in illyria”
How does Sir Andrew explain his wit?
“I have no more wit than a Christian or an ordinary man: but I am a great eater of beef and I believe that does hard my wit” -stupidity
What does orsino say about Viola on their meeting?
1 “Diana’s lip is not more smooth and dubious”
2 thy small pipe is as the maidens organ, shrill and sound
3 all is semblative of a woman’s part
Dramatic irony
The first sign viola shows her love for Orsino
“Whoe’er I woo, myself would be his wife.”
What does Olivia say to Malvolio after he assaults feste?
“Oh, you are sick of self love, Malvolio”
What does Viola say to woo Olivia?
“Make me a willow at your cabin” viola knows how to woo, Orsino would not have said this
How does olivia first describe her love for Viola?
“Even so quickly may one catch the plague? Methinks I feel this youths perfections” - love has a negative impact
How does Antonio express his love for Sebastian?
“If you will not murder me for my love, let me be your servant”
“I adore thee so” -homosexual undertones (carnival behaviour)
What does viola say when she finds out olivia loves her?
“Poor lady she had better love a dream” “in woman’s waxen hearts to set their forms” women are Malleable. “O time! Thou must untangle this, not I; it is too hard a knot for me to untie!”
How does Malvolio tell Toby to shut up?
“ my masters are you mad? Is there no respect of place, persons, nor time in you?”
How does Maria explain Malvolio self obsession?
“As he thinks, with excellencies, that is his grounds of faith that all look on him love”
How does viola suggest she likes Orsino?
He asks “what kind of woman is’t” and she replies “of your complexion” although he does not understand she also says “we’re I a woman I should your lordship”
How does Malvolio represent the theme of ethos (erotic love)in the beginning of subplot?
“This is my very lady’s hand these be her vet C’s, her U’s and her T’s and this makes she her great P’s” -double entendre two meanings of p
What does Malvolio say after he reads the letter?
“I will be proud… I will baffle sir Toby, I will wash off gross acquaintances” -desire to move up
“My lady loves me”
How does Olivia show her desperation for Viola?
“I love thee so…not wit nor reason can my passion hide”
“Yet come again” even though he says he does not love her and he has “one heat, one bosom and one truth… save I alone”
“It’s my picture; refuse it not”
Quotation that shows Malvolios religion is an act
“ to bed! At, sweet-heat, I’ll come to thee”
What does Maria say about malvolios maddness?
“Ay you speak ill of the devil”
How does Toby falsely describe Andrew to viola?
“Why man, he is a very devil”
“Thy assailant is quick, skilful and deadly”
“Satisfaction can be none but the pangs of death”
Feste’s most important line
“Nothing that is so is so”
Quotes to describe Malvolios torture
“There was never a man this abused”
“I am not mad sir Topaz” - repetition of this phrase shows desperation
How does Viola describe Feste?
“This fellow is wise enough to play the fool;and to do that well craves a kind of wit” he is clever with wordplay
How does Antonio admit that he saved Sebastian to Viola?
“This youth that you see here I snatched one half out of the jaws of death” Antonio thinks Viola is Sebastian gender confusion Act 4 scene 5
What does viola say when she finds out her brother is alive?
“In favour of my brother, and he went sill in this fashion, colour, ornament, For him I imitate” she realises she fashions her disguise on him because she misses him
How does Sebastian react to Olivia’s love?
“If it be Thus to dream, still let me sleep!”
How does feste try to make Malvolio think he is mad?
When Malvolio says he’s in a dark room feste day “why it hath bay windows transparent as barricadoes” and makes him question his beliefs on Pythagoras who thinks the soul migrates which Malvolio disagrees due to religion. Feste says he shall “remain thou still in darkness” until he changes his mind
Why does sir Toby back out?
“I am now is so far offence with my niece that I cannot Persue with any safety in this “
What does Sebastian say in his soliloquy?
He repeats the term mad “yet tis not madness” “or else this lady’s mad” contrast to previous scene of real madness this madness is good= dramatic relief
When the secrets are revealed
“One face, one voice, one habit and two persons” Orsino
“An apple cleft in two is not more twin than these two creature”
When the twins reunite
“ I should let my fall upon your cheek and say ‘Thrice-welcome, drowned Viola!’” Seb
“My father had a mole upon his brow” “and so had mine”
How does olivia react when she discovers Malvolio has been mistreated?
“Thou shalt be both panintiff and the judge of thine own cause” gives him the power to get revenge
“He hath been most notoriously abused”
Festes second biggest line
“ some are born great…some He greatness thrust upon them” quotes Malvolio he is watching everyone
“THUS THE WHIRLIGIG OF TIME BRINGS IN HIS REVENGES” - mans life goes around in a circle= pattern of live -audience understand
Orsino asks Viola to marry him
“Orsinos mistress and his fancy queen”