Important People Flashcards
born 1920, died Oct. 1951
- 30 year old Black Woman with cervical cancer (jan. 1951)
- tissue samples taken without consent to give to Dr. Gey
- Creates immortal cell line HeLa, family was never informed or given profits, etc
- Issues: informed consent, left her infertile, non maleficence (do not harm but, they hurt her with continuing treatment that didn’t help), social determinants of health being a poor black woman and was justified because of “free treatment”, segregation in wards/healthcare in general
Henrietta Lacks
Author of the immortal life Henrietta Lacks
Rebecca Skloot
Scientist who worked with HeLa cells and found them immortal
- Gave cells out to everyone
George Gey
- A virologist that injected HeLa cells into patients
- Started on cancerous patients, nodules grew but many vanished over time
- Then injected healthy people (Ohio state penitentiary inmates), tumors grew but the men fought off the cancer completely, faster with each injection
- began injecting gynecologic patient in his care
- Issues of informed consent, benevolent deception, conscientious refusal, IRB approvals, undue inducement
Chester Southam
- Dr. Golde removed John Moore’s cancerous spleen, had him come back every few months to take more samples
- he signed a consent form to dispose of spleen, in 1983 he had to sign a new consent. form, said “ do” once, next time he circled “do not” and Golde got mad and demanded he circle “do”
- turned out Golde had spent 7 years since Moore’s surgery and was set to make millions without Moore’s knowledge (INFORMED CONSENT)
- CA supreme court ruled tissues/cells exited body regardless of consent you no longer have any claim of ownership; also financial interests and compensation
John Moore
authors of Principles of Biomedical ethics
- outline many aspects of bioethics
Beauchamp and Childress
1976 case
- young NJ woman in coma, NJ supreme court ruled it permissable for a guardian to disconnect respirator and allow her to die
- she lived almost 10 more years with AN+H (feeding tube) but she was comatose, bad quality of life, etc
- raised question of if it was permissable to remove AN+H
- issues with withdrawing treatment, respect for autonomy, and quality of life
Karen Quinlan
- FL woman in persistant vegetative state (PVS) after cardiac arrest
- conflict between husband + her parents about removing her feeding tube
- went to court, FL ruled husband could remove AN+H to allow her to die 15 years after she entered to PVS
- issue with withdrawing treatment, respect for autonomy, paternalism
Terri Schiavo
Proponent of physician-assisted euthanasia
- aided in at least 130 patients’ deaths
- “dying is not a crime”
Jack Kevorkian
American cardinal of the catholic church
- consistent ethic of life
Joseph Bernadin
Pioneer in the global health movement
- influenced by liberation theology
- wrote pathologies of power
- founded partners in Health
Paul Farmer
Pioneering figure in liberation theology
- peruvian theologian
- wrote “a theology of Liberation”
Gustavo Gutiérrez