!!!IMPORTANT PAPER 3 Flashcards
The distinction between law and morals
The diversity of moral views in a pluralist
The relationship between law and morals
and its importance
The legal enforcement of moral values
define morality and law; the function of morals
and law
overlap and difference between immoral and
illegal acts
the main legal theories underpinning the law;
such as legal positivism and natural law
pluralism as a key factor in shaping the
approach to morality in our society
issues where morality and law have clashed in
the courts
the main arguments and issues in the DevlinHart debate and be able to apply the main
arguments to specific areas and cases
evaluation of law and morality
The meaning of justice
Theories of justice
The extent to which the law achieves justice
the different types of justice within the law
the different theories of justice which affect the
way that the law is conducted
it is not necessary to learn every theory and
case in detail
the extent to which the legal system produces
just outcomes
evaluation of law and justice