Important Lab Values Flashcards
White Blood Cells (5,000-10,000 cells)
These cells help prevent infection.
An elevated WBC (above 10,000) can indicate an infection. A WBC below 5,000 may indicate a disease of the immune system. Leukopenia- Below 5,000.
Red Blood Cells (4-5.2 million/mL of blood)
RBCs carry hemoglobin which carries oxygen. How much oxygen your body tissues get depends on how many RBCs you have and how well they work.
Platelets help the blood to clot. A low platelet count (Thrombocytopenia below 150,000) would put a person at risk of hemorrhaging (bleeding excessively) and a too high platelet count makes a person at risk of developing thrombi (blood clots).
Hemoglobin (found in RBCs) 12-16g/dL)
Hgb contains iron which functions to carry oxygen to the body tissues where it then exchanges the oxygen for carbon dioxide; a waste product. The RBC then takes the carbon dioxide to the lungs and exchanges it for oxygen. A person who has a low Hgb has a type of anemia.
Hematocrit (35-45%) (measurement of the percentage of whole blood that is made up of RBCs)
Hct is usually about 3x that of the Hgb.
Abbreviated Mg (1.8-2.7mg/dL)
-Helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function
-keeps the bones strong
-controls the heartbeat
-helps regulate blood pressure and much more.
Kidney, liver, and certain bone diseases can cause abnormal phosphorus levels in the blood.
Abbreviated K
-Help with activity of nerves and muscles especially in the heart
-Small changes with levels either too high or too low can lead to heart irregularities which can be life threatening.
Blood calcium Level (8.5-10.5mg/dL)
Abbreviated Ca
-Mesures the amount of calcium in the bloodstream. not in the bone.
-Calcium affects many areas of the body. It is found in bones and teeth
-Also responsible for nerve conduction
-Blood clotting
-Heart function
Prothrombin time (11-12.5 seconds)
-This is part of a group of blood tests that determines the clotting ability of blood.
Partial thromboplastin time (25-35 seconds)
Also part of the group of blood tests that determines the clotting ability of blood.
International Normalized Ratio(<1.2)
The PT and the INR are used to monitor the effectiveness of the anticoagulant warfarin (Coumadin).
Blood Urea Nitrogen. (10-20mg/dL)
Urea is a waste product of protein which is made in the liver.
Serum Creatinine
(0.7-1.3mg/dL) for men
(0.6-1.1mg/dL) for women
Creatinine is a waste product of the breakdown of creatine in the body. Creatinine is excreted by the kidneys. If kidney function is compromised, Serum Creatinine levels will rise.