Important definitions Flashcards
a problem that has a specific goal state,
clearly defined solutions paths and clearly
expected solutions
Well-Defined Problems
a problem that does NOT have clear goal
states, solutions paths or expected solutions
(e.g., choosing a major, deciding whether to
break-up with your partner)
Ill-Defined Problems
AI can solve well-defined
problems well, but not ill-defined problems
because of the uncertainty
Moravec’s Paradox
a systematic algorithm that represents all possible steps
from a problem to a goal state
Brute Force
select the operation that brings you closer to the goal without
examining the whole problem space
Some problems require moving AWAY from goal to solve it
Hill Climbing
create sub-goals as you move closer to the final
goal state (more flexible)
Means-End Analysis
problems are solved using
knowledge and trial and error
The Behaviorist Approach
problems are solved by considering
them more deeply
The Gestalt Approach
uses knowledge from past experiences
and uses a trial-and-error strategy to work out solutions
Reproductive process
a response that produces a satisfying effect
will become more likely to occur again in that situation, and a
response that produce a discomforting effect will become less likely
to occur again in that situation
Law of Effect
Reproductive process and Law of Effect are part of what theory
Behaviorist Approach
solution to a problem suddenly comes
to consciousness; Max Wertheimer
insight phenomena
of problem solving that occurs when thinking is characterized by
the restructuring of information in such a way as to provide a
solution (produces insight)
a productive process
actively manipulating information to change its
representation in your mind
experience of having a sudden switch in how you see
Gestalt switches
Problems in which the solution occurs
suddenly in your consciousness
Insight Problems
Problems in which you must
consciously work through each step of a
problem to arrive at a solution
Non-Insight Problems
Suddenness, Ease, Positive, Confidence
Four Features of Insight
Making comparisons between two situations; applying the
solution from one of the situations to another situation
Analogical Problem Solving
bias to use familiar methods to solve a problem
can result in the inability to seek and use a better method
Einstellung Effect
However, participants continued to use this more complex
mental set on subsequent tasks
The Water Jug Problem
the tendency to view objects only for
their intended purpose because of prior experience with that object
Functional Fixedness
the ability to use
existing knowledge and skills in order to deal with novelty and create
ideas that are appropriate given the current situation and that are
also valuable
Creative Intelligence (Sternberg)
the number ideas a person can generate about a particular
topic or item
Computer programs, algorithms, and artificial intelligence can
solve problems much quicker and more effectively than
Information Processing Approach
a mental shortcut or rule of thumb that can be used to
get a quick and mostly accurate response in some situations but may
lead to errors in others
deviations from rationality (errors) that are caused by
using heuristics
estimate the probability of an event based on the ease at which it can be brought to mind
Availability Heuristic
tendency to make inferences on the basis that small samples resemble the larger population they were drawn
Representative Heuristic
People start off with one value and adjust accordingly from there
Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic
Seeing casual relationships when there are none
Illusory Correlation
Can explain deviations, extreme values will be closer to the mean when measured a second time
Regression Towards the Mean
people are limited by both
environmental constraints
People are satisficers - look
for situations that are “good enough”
Bounded Rationality
sees heuristics are the optimal
Given the right environment, heuristic
can be better than optimization or
other complex strategies
Ecological Rationality
objective (externally defined)
criterion for making your choice
Perceptual Decision Making
subjective (internally
defined) criterion for making your choice
Value-Based Decision Making
taking an action despite an outcome being uncertain
when you have incomplete information about
the consequences
Loss aversion is captured in the endowment effect
Once ownership is established, people are averse to give it up
Endowment Effect
difference between the expected gains of a
risky option and a certain option
Risk Premium
The way in which questions and information are organized influences decisions even
when content is identical.
Positive Frame: what you can gain
Negative Frame: what you can lose
fMRI studies show increased amygdala
The Framing Effect
difference between what you predicted
would happen and what actually happened
Prediction error
_______ prediction error increases positive affect (i.e., happiness), and
then leads to more risky behaviors (e.g., gambling)
subjective value assigned to an object
describes how people map money to satisfaction
Utility function
Probabilities are not treated objectively (extreme events tend to be rare)
Availability of an option (how easy it comes to mind) changes the perceived frequency of occurrence
Prospect Theory: Probability Weighting Function
System 1: fast, effortless, automatic, intuitive, emotional
System 2: slow, deliberative, effortful, explicit, logical
Dual Process Theory
When people are faced with multiple options, they will choose the one that returns the highest likely value.
Expected Utility Hypotheses (EUT)