Important Dates (league 1930-Causes WW2) Flashcards
The Manchurian crisis
Started 1931
When the Japanese invaded China to get resources and become a powerful empire.
Hitler coming to power
After being elected by the Germans
Disarmament conference
A Conference for the reduction and limitation of armaments
Attempted and failed Anschluss with Austria
Failed because Mussolini sent his troops to the border to stop it
The Abyssinian Crisis
Started Oct. 1935
When Italy invaded Ethiopia/Abyssinia to prove in was strong and reestablish a ‘roman empire’
Stress Front
Written in 1935
A pact that condemned German rearmament with Britain and France. These turned a blind eye to the Abyssinian crisis which encouraged Mussolini even more.
The Hoare- Laval pact
Written in 1935
Pact between British and French foreign ministers. It was a plan to give Mussolini 2/3 of Abyssinia in return for calling off the invasion.
Anglo-German Naval pact
And agreement between Britain and Germany to regulate Germany‘s navy in comparison to the Britishs’. They were allowed to rearm up to 30% of Britain’s navy.
Hitler reintroduces conscription
This was the compulsory military training young men had to do
Spanish Civil War
1936 to 1939
A war between Republicans and Nationalists. It was a dress rehearsal for World War II
The signing of the anti-Comintern pact
I promise to react to developments and agree to oppose communism and consult if attacked by the USSR
Mussolini takes Italy out of the league
Marco Polo Bridge incident
And incident at the Marco Polo bridge in which the Japanese tempted the Chinese to start a fight
Hitler finally managed to gain control over Austria and make its ‘empire’ greater
Berchtesgaden, Bad Godesberg and Munich Conference
Conferences in which the leaders of Germany, Britain, France and Italy joined up to discuss terms through which Hitler would accept the Sudetenland and leave Czechoslovakia alone