Important Cases Flashcards
Mark v. Eke
There is nothing like substituted service on a company, service can only be at the registered address
Akande v. Jegede
The Supreme Court related the rules on personal service and held that service of court processes by a bailiff on a 3rd party who eventually gives the proceedings to the defended constitutes proper service
Kraur Thompson v. University of Calabar
Proper service on a company is where the central management is
What case states the conditions for the grant of an injunctions
Obeya Memorial Hospital v. AG Federation
Conditions for granting an Anton Pillar Order
Ferodo v. Unibro Stores
The court cannot make an order over and above what has been prayed for
Government of Gongola State v. Tukur
Ferdo v. Unibro stores
The guiding principles for an Anton pillar injunction
Mareva Injunction Case
Mareva Compania Rivera v. International Bank Carrier Ltd
Principles guiding the grant of a mareva injunction
Sotimina v. Ocean steamship Nigeria Ltd.