Implementing PKI Flashcards
What type of certificate does CA have?
A CA has a root certificate which it uses to sign keys
If you are going to use a CA internally what type of CA should you use
Private CA for internal use only; these certificate will not be accepted outside of your organization
If you want to carry out B2B activity with third-party companies or sell products on the web, what type of CA Sshoukd you use
Public CA
Why you should take your CA offline when not in use
To prevent it from being compromised specially if you were a military, security or banking organization.
What type of encryption does PKI use?
Assymetric encryption
Who signs x509 certificate
Certificate Authority
What can you use to prevent your CA from being compromised and faudulent certificates from being issued?
Certificate pinning
If two entities wants to set up a cross-certification, what must they set up first
Bridge trust model -if two separate PKI entities wants to set up cross-certification, the root CAs would set up a trust model between themselves.
What type of trust model does PGP use
Web of trust or network trust model
How can you tell whether your certificate is valid?
Certificate Revocation List is used to detemine whether a certificate is valid
If the CRL is going slowly what should you implement?
OCSP provides faster validation
Explain certificate stapling/OCSP stapling
The webserver uses ocsp for faster certificate authentication, by passing CRL
What is the process of obtaining a new certificate?
Submitting certificate signing request to request a new certificate
What is the purpose of the key escrow
Stores and manages private key for third parties
What the purpose of HSM
Hardware Security Module is used by the Key escrow to securely store and manage certificate
What is the purpose of DRA and what does it need to complete its role effectively
Data Recovery Agent is to recover data when a user’s private key becomes corrupt. To do this you must obtain a copy of the private key from the key escrow
How can you identify each certificate?
By its Object Identifier, which is similar to a serial number
What format PKCS is a private certificate and what file extension does it have
A private certificate is in P12 format with a .pfx extension
What format PKCS is a public certificate and what file extension does it have
A public certificate is in P7B format wirh a .cer extension
What format is PEM certificate
Pem certificate is in base64 format