Implementing Azure App Service Web Apps Flashcards
`What is Azure App Service Auto Scale support?
The ability to automatically scale the resources used for running Azure App Service.
What does autoscaling for Azure App Service scale?
up/down(machine resources) and in/out(machines)
What CI integration sources does Azure App Services support?
- Azure DevOps
- GitHub
- Bitbucket
- Local GIT
What are Azuer App Service deployment slots?
live apps with own host names, can be swaped with production app.
What languages are supported App Service Linux?
- .Net
- Node.js
- Java
- Python
- Ruby
What are the 3 limitation to App Service on Linux
- App Service Linux not supported in shared pricing tier
- Azure portal only shows linux compatible features
- Should consider using custom container for files instead of the content volume for speed.
What is the command to list all runtimes
az webapp list-runtimes
What is required for all App Services?
An App Service Plan.
What is an App Service Plan?
A set of compute resources for a web app to run
How many apps can be configured to run under one App Service Plan.
What region are app service resources created in?
The region of the App Service Plan.
What 4 things does an App Service Plan define?
- OS
- Region
- Size of VM
- Pricing Tier
What are the 9 App service Plan pricing tiers?
- Free
- Shared
- Basic
- Standard
- Premium
- PremiumV2
- PremiumV3
8 Isolated - IsolatedV2
What does an App Service Plan pricing tier define?
What feature that you get and how much you pay.
What are the 3 App Service pricing tier categories?
- Shared - share VMs
- Dedicated - dedicated vms
- Isolated - Dedicated VMs dedicated Virtual Networks
What Azure app service pricing tier category is not for production use?
What are the two ways to deploy to App Service
- Automated
- Manual
What sources provide automated deployment for App Services?
- Azure DevOps
- GitHub
- Bitbucket
What options are there for a manual deployment for App Services?
- Git
- Azure CLI
- Zip Deploy
When should you use a deployment slot when deploying to App Services?
Whenever possible.
What is the lowest Plan Tier that provides deployment slots?
What are the benefits of using deployment slots?
warms up the worker instances to match production scale, reduces downtime
Is using the App Service built-in authentication required?
What is a good reason not to use the built-in App Service authentications?
Need more flexibility
What are 3 benefits of using built-in authentication?
- Don’t have to implement yourself
- Doesn’t require any language, SDK or expertise
- Integrate with multiple login providers.
What are the 6 identity providers available by default for App Service built-in authentication?
- Microsoft Identity platform
- Twitter (x)
- OpenID
- GitHub
Where does the App Service built-in authentication run?
Runs in same sandbox as application code.
What 4 things are handled by the App Service built-in authentication module?
- Authenticates users and clients with identity providers
- Validates store adn refreshes OAuth tokens
- Manages authentication session
- Injects identity information into HTTP request headers
How can you configure the App Service build-in authentication module?
ARM or configuration file.
What are the two authentication flows for built-in authentication?
- Server-directed flow
- Client-directed flow
What applications are appropriate for client-directed authentication flow for the built-in authentication?
- Azure Functions
- Javascript browser clients
- Native mobile apps
What are the 4 authentication flow steps for the built-in authentications?
- Sign in user
- Post-authentication
- establish session
- serve content
Where can you configure App Service behavior for unauthenticated requests when using the built-in authentication?
Must be done in the Azure Portal.
What are 2 behaviors that you can configure in App Service for unauthorized requests when using the built-in authernication?
- Allow unauthenticated requests
- Require Authentication
What is the application Token Store?
A repository of tokens associated with the user of the Service App using built-in authentication.
Where are authentication and authorization traces collected when using built-in App Service authentication?
application logs
What are the two network deployment types for App Services?
- Muli-tentant
- Isolated
What App Service plans are Multi-tenant for App Service network deployment?
- Free
- Shared
- Basic
- Standard
- Premium
- Premium V2
- Premium V3
What App Service plans are Isolated or App Service network deployment?
From an App Service networking what are the 2 roles for deployed applications?
- Front Ends
- Workers
Why can’t we connect the App Service network to a local network?
Azure app services are in a multi-tenanted network.
What are 4 features that can be used for inbound App Service networking?
- App-assigned address
- Access restrictions
- Service endpoints
- Private endpoints
What are 3 outbound App Service networking features?
- Hybrid connections
- Gateway-required virtual network
- Virtual network
What is possibleOutboundIpAddresses property?
List all the ip addresses that your app might use in a scale unit.
What is the Azure CLI command to see outbound addresses?
az webapp show –query outboundIpAddresses
What is the Azure CLI command to see all possible outbound IP addresses for a Azure App service?
az webapp show –query possibleOutboundIpAddresses
Which App Service plan category provides the maximum scale-out capability?
How does App Service passes app settings for Linux apps and Custom Containers?
In Azure Portal where can you access the Application Settings?
Configuration -> Application Settings
How are App Settings stored?
Always encrypted
Where at App Service application settings store in .NET applications?
<appsettings> in Web.config or appsettings.json
How do you specify if your application settings are swappable?
Set it during application settings is created in the Azure Portal
For Linux application settings what JSON conversions are required?
colon is replaced by double underscore
In Azure Portal where do you bulk update the Application Settings?
Configuration -> Application Settings -> Advanced
What are the attributes in the build Application Settings update?
name, value, slotSettings
Where do you go in Azure Portal to configure path mapping for an App Service?
configuration -> Path Mapping
What are IIS handler mappings?
IIS custom script processors to handle requests for specific file extensions.
What are the 3 configurable elements of an IIS handler mapping?
- Extension - file extension
- Script Processor location
- Arguments - command line arguments for processor
For IIS handler scripts for uncontainerized Windows App Services where should the processor scripts be located if not using virtual directories?
In Azure Portal where do you configure custom storage for containerized App Services?
New Azure Storage Mount
What are the 5 types of built-in diaganostic logging for App Services?
- Application Logging
- Web server logging
- Detailed error logging
- Failed reqeust tracing
- Deployment logging
What are the 2 types of built-in diagnostics logging available on Linux App Service?
- Application
- Deployment
How do you enable application logging for Window App Service?
App Service Logs -> Select ON -> select filesystem or blob -> set level
What is the purpose of filesystem App Service logs?
temporary debugging purposes.
What must you do with your application logging configuration for Window App Service if you regenerate the storage account keys?
Turn logging off and on
What are the 5 logging levels?
- Disabled
- error
- warning
- information
- verbose
How do you enable application logging for Linux/Container App Services?
App Service logs -> set Application Logging: file system -> set Quota -> set retention period
How do you log in C#
What is the ASP.NET Core default logging provider?
Where are the log files stored?
/Logfiles or d:/home/logfiles
What are the 3 ways to stream log files?
- Azure Portal - Log Stream
- Azure CLI - cloud shell
- Azure CLI - local console
What are the 5 options for uploading certificates?
- Free app service manages certificate
- Purchase app service certificate
- import certificate
- upload private certificate
- upload public certificate
What are the private certificate requirements?
- PFX using DES
- 2048 private key
- contains intermediate certificates
What certificates comp with App Services?
Free App Service managed certificate
What are the limitations of free managed certificates?
- Doesn’t support wildcards
- Doesn’t support usuage as a client certificate
- Doesn’t support DNS
- isn’t exportable
- isn’t ASE supported
- support alpha dashes and periods
What App Servivce plans support deployment slots?
Standard, Premium, or Isolated
What are the three benefits of using deployment slots?
- Validates changes before swapping
- warmed up
- Roll back quickly
How many deployment slots does the Standard tier have?
What 6 things happen when you do a deployment slot swap?
- Apply settings from the target slot
- Wait for slot to restart
- Trigger local cache init
- Application init
- Switch routing rules
- Populate target to current slot
What 10 settings can be swapped?
- General Settings
- App Settings
- Connection Strings
- Handler Mappings
- public certificates
- webjobs content
- Hybrid connections
- Azure Content Delivery Network
- Service Endpoints
- Path Mappings
What app setting must be set to make it swappable?
Three steps to manually swap deployment slots?
- Select SWAP Dialog box
- Select Source and Target
- Select Swap
Three steps to swap with preview.
1.Select Swap dialog box
2. Select Start Swap (previewale)
3. Select Complete Swap
What does autoswap do?
It automatically swaps whenever code is pushed to a configured slot.
Setting to set up autoswap?
General Settings ->Auto Swap enables
Where can you look for roll back monitoring?
Activity Log
What is the default routing percent for a slot?
What are the two triggers for autoscaling?
- Schedule
- Resource levels
What is autoscaling in App Services?
Process that adjusts available resources based on the current demand vertically.
What setting must be set to turn on autoscaling?
Scale Out
What is the default scaling?
What is the lowest tier that supports autoscaling?
What are the two autoscaling conditions?
- Based on metric
- to a specific instance count
What are Azure Function Triggers?
Ways to start execution of your code.
What are Azure bindings?
ways to integrate input and output data
How do you monitor Azure Functions?
Application Insights
How do you monitor Logic Apps?
Azure Portal, Azure Monitor Logs
What are the 3 basic hosting plans for Azure Functions?
- Consumption
- Premium
- Dedicated service plans.
What does the hosting plan determine for Azure funcitons?
- scaling method
- resource available
- advanced functionality
What is the appropriate Azure Function hosting plan for using durable functions?
Dedicated service plan
What are the maximum number of Azure Function instances on the Consumption Plan?
windows 200, linux 100
What are the maximum number of Azure Function instances on the Premium Plan?
windows 100, linux 100
What are the maximum number of Azure Function instances on the Dedicated Plan?
How do you set the function duration for an Azure Function?
funtionTimeout property in host.json
What is the default and max timeout values for an Azure Function with the consumption plan?
What is the default and max timeout values for an Azure Function with the premium plan?
30, unlimited
What is the default and max timeout values for an Azure Function with the dedicated plan?
30, unlimited