Implement IaaS solutions, provision vms Flashcards
How to create VM in Portal?
Search for “Virtual Machines” in global search. Click Add in Top Menu
What is meant by Image Size
Select a VM size to support the workload that you want to run. The size that you choose then determines factors such as processing power, memory, and storage capacity. Azure offers a wide variety of sizes to support many types of uses. Azure charges an hourly price based on the VM’s size and operating system.
How are VMs charged
Amount is based on Size, Charged Hourly
What is Azure Spot Instance
Using Spot VMs allows you to take advantage of our unused capacity at a significant cost savings. At any point in time when Azure needs the capacity back, the Azure infrastructure will evict Spot VMs. Therefore, Spot VMs are great for workloads that can handle interruptions like batch processing jobs, dev/test environments, large compute workloads, and more.
What are Inbound port rules
These configuration allows access to VM from public internet.
Security recommendation for VM inbound ports?
Deny all and change source port for required ports, e. g. switch 22 for ssh to something else.
What is Azure Hybrid Benefit
With Azure Hybrid Benefit its possible to save money on new Windows VMs when using existing licenses, up to 49%
What is Port 3389 usually used for
What is usually the RDP port when unchanged
How to connect to VM via RDP
Via RDP, its possible to download a RDP Client configuration with “Connect” button in Portal. Then use localhost\ and to login
Powershell to Create VM?
New-AzVm `
- ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" ` - Name "myVM" ` - Location "East US" ` - VirtualNetworkName "myVnet" ` - SubnetName "mySubnet" ` - SecurityGroupName "myNetworkSecurityGroup" ` - PublicIpAddressName "myPublicIpAddress" ` - OpenPorts 80,3389
How to Create a ResourceGroup with Powershell
New-AzResourceGroup -Name something -Location EastUS
Get public Ip from VM
Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName “myResourceGroup” | Select “IpAddress”
How to launch the Cloud Shell
Top right corner of portal
Common steps required to conect to a new vm
Create a new Rg if not present, create a new vm and assign it to the desired rg, open the rdp port, get the public ip addres and connect with rdp client
What are marketplace images
Marketplace contains images that can be used to create new vms
How does every powershell command start to interact with vm images
Get-AzVM (ImagePublisher, ImageOffer, ImageSku)
can be Get or New
What parameter can be used to perform a VM creation as Background Task
Add -AsJob to create command
How to retrieve information from a powershell command that is running in background
How to List VM sizes that are available options in one Location via Powershell
Get-AzVmSize -Location “EastUS”. All isted can be used in that region option during create.
How to get VM Size from existing VM/resource
Get-AzVmSize -ResourceGroupName “Rg” -Name “Vm”
So again unique identifier required the command
General Concept of Updating a VM via Powershell?
Store vm object into variable using Get-AzVM, then change its propierties using the variable. When done, use Update-AzVM
Is it possible to Update a VM via Powershell while it is running?
Yes, its possible (E.g. Size is possible). But still silent reboot is done. When a size Option is not availble in the cluster, a relocation will happen. For some changes it is required to stop the vm (Stop-AzVM), do the update (Update-AzVM) and when done, start it again (Start-AzVM)
What are the VM power states
Starting, Running, Stopping, Stopped, Deallocating, Deallocated (Removed from Hypervisor, not charged) AND “-“ for unknown