Impersonal verbs Flashcards
it is raining
it is snowing
there is thunder
night is falling
lucescit, illucescit
it is getting light
dew is falling
accidit ut
it happens that
fit ut
it comes about that
evenit ut
it turns out that
sequitur ut
it follows that
restat ut
it remains that
fieri potest ut
it is possible that
fieri non potest ut
it is impossible that
ex quo factum est ut
the result of this was that
contingit ut
it happens that (something pleasant)
me miseret (+gen)
I pity
me paenitet (+gen)
I repent
me piget (+gen)
I loathe, am sick of
me taedet (+gen)
I am tired of
me pudet (+gen)
I am ashamed of
mihi licet (+dat)
I am allowed to
mihi placet (+dat)
I am pleased/resolve to
me decet (+acc)
It befits me to/it is right for me to
me oportet (+acc)
It behoves me to / it is right for me to
it is agreed that
inter omnes constat
it is agreed among all that