Imperium Im Imperio JAAOS 2016 Flashcards
Morel-Lavallee lesions show bacterial colonization in 82% of lesions
46% of lesions shows bacterial colonization
JAAOS Oct 2016
Morel-Lavallee lesions initially fill with with more lymph and fat than blood
JAAOS Oct 2016
Morel-Lavallee lesions are an independant risk factor for infection in Acetabular surgery
However, this is only based on one study, and there are other studies that do not show this same correlation.
JAAOS Oct 2016
Morel-Lavallee lesions are associated with approximately 10% of acetabular fractures
Letournel and Judet had 8.3% of patients with MLL in their series of 245 patients with acetabular fractures.
JAAOS Oct 2016
Morel-Lavallee lesions with a volume of more than 50mL are bette treated with surgery
Lesions less than 50mL have a low recurrence rate with non-op, those larger have a high recurrence rate.
JAAOS Oct 2016