Imperialism in Africa during the 1800s Flashcards
In 1884, the Maxim
Gun was created
and produced
It could?
fire up to
500 rounds/minute
Europeans were able to
communicate instantly across
thousands of miles This aided expansion and
military operations in Africa
Expansion of Telegraphs
Before the 1800s,Europeans who
had went to Africa died from
diseases like malaria its spread by mosquitoes
What does the phrase
“survival of the fittest” mean?
European scholar Herbert Spencer coined the phrase “survival of the fittest” based off Charles Darwin’s study of biological
Belief in European “Superiority”
Social Darwinism led to the rise of
Eugenics (“race science”) during the
late 1800s
“selective breeding” and sterilizing
people to “improve” the human
speciesThe goal was to produce the “best populations” or races of people
Why did the British take control
over Egypt?
The British wanted to secure control
over the Suez Canal and was a shortcut to its colony of
Why did the British take control over South
By the 1870s, settlers found
diamonds and gold along the
Orange, Vaal, and Harts rivers
How did the British take control
over South Africa?
They used the British South Africa Police and (military force)
* They used Maxim Guns to defeat the native tribes
why did the British take control
over South Africa?
Cecil Rhodes and his De Beers
Company monopolized control over the diamond industry in South Africa
what were King Leopold II of Belgium goals
1) Spread Christianity and commerce
to Africa (i.e. “civilization”
2) Harvest rubber plants/trees
Leopold II used his personal army called the Force Publique to take control over the Congo and force people to harvest rubber what did this lead to
- This eventually led to the massive killing They used violence, beatings, and mutilated local people who refused to harvest the rubber, millions would be killed under
Leopold II’s control