Imperfect Subjunctive Flashcards
el jefe sugirió que fueras a la reunion.
The boss suggested that you go to the meeting.
Esperaba que no tuvieras problemas con el nuevo sistema.
I was hoping that you wouldn’t have any problems with the new system.
Buscábamos a alguien que conociera bien el mercado.
We were looking for someone who knew the market well.
Les mande mi curriculum en caso de que hubiera un puesto disponible.
I sent them my resume, in case there were a position available.
Necesitaba que tú vinieras temprano.
I needed you to come early.
No pensabas que yo pudiera hacerlo.
You didn’t think that I could do it.
Mi madre tenía miedo que la picaran las arañas.
My mother was afraid that spiders would bite her.
Me asusté de que tú fueras a la fiesta.
I got scared that you went to the party.
Fue una lástima que no pudiera venir.
It was too bad that he couldn’t come.
Mi padre dudaba que nosotros comiéramos toda la pizza.
My father doubted that we ate the whole pizza.
Ellos deseaban que su hermano abriera la puerta.
They wished that his brother would open the door.
Yo quería que él bebiera cuatro vasos de agua cada día.
I wanted him to drink four cups of water every day.
Le dije que lavara los trastes.
I told him to wash the dishes.
Los niños querían que su padre les comprara un perro.
The children wanted their father to buy them a dog.
No estaba seguro que él viniera a tiempo.
I was not sure that he came on time.
Era mejor que te quedaras conmigo.
It was better that you stayed with me.
Esperaba que me lo escribieras.
I wished that you wrote it for me.
Él prefería que anduvieras conmigo.
He preferred that you walked with me.
Él pidió que no escogieras el color negro.
He asked that you didn’t choose the black color.