Impairment of Assets Flashcards
What happens with a downwards revaluation? (3 things)
- Decrease in market value
- Written-off against revaluation reserve up to the value of its balance
- Remainder to the SOPL as an impairment
What happens if a previously impaired asset’s market value increases
- If a previously impaired asset’s market value increases
- Previous impairment reversed, up to values previously written-off, to SOPL
- Balance (if any) to revaluation reserve
IAS __ Impairment of Assets
Objective (2)
IAS 36 Impairment of Assets
- Ensure that assets are carried at no more than their recoverable amount
- Where the recoverable amount is lower than the carrying value an impairment loss must be recognised immediately
Carrying Value definition
Carrying value
- “Initial cost less depreciation, amortisation and impairment i.e. value on SoFP”
Fair value (____ __) definition
Fair value (IFRS 13):
- “The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date”
- The fair value – costs to sell is sometimes referred to as ‘net selling price’
Cost to sell (_____ __) definition
Costs to sell (IFRS 13):
- “Costs directly attributable to the disposal of the asset”
Recoverable amount – higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use
Recoverable amount
- higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use
Value in use
Value in use
- present value of future cash flows from use and disposal
ACC2005 / ACC2025: do not need to calculate value in use – it will be provided
Measurement of Impairment Losses (picture)
IAS __ Impairment of assets
- Assets should be individually tested for ______________
- Both ___________ and ______________ assets
- If cash flows do not arise from a ________ asset then from the ______________ ________ of ________ which generates an _________________ _________
- Cash generating unit (CGU)
- Extremely ________________
- Allocation of impairment losses
not required for ACC2005
IAS 36 Impairment of assets
- Assets should be individually tested for impairment
- Both tangible and intangible assets
- If cash flows do not arise from a single asset then from the smallest group of assets which generates an independent income
- Cash generating unit (CGU)
- Extremely judgemental
- Allocation of impairment losses
not required for ACC2005
Indications of impairment (2)
Internal and external indications of impairment
- e.g. physical evidence of reduction in asset’s condition
- e.g. a legal or market condition has changed meaning the asset can no longer be used
Need to use judgement for each scenario
____ _ Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
When are non-current assets classified as ‘held for sale’
IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
Non-current assets are classified as ‘held-for-sale’ if: their carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than continuing use. They must be:
- Available for immediate sale in their present condition; and
- The sale must be highly probable:
1. **management** is **committed** to a **plan** to **sell** the asset and an active **programme** has been initiated to **locate** a **buyer** and complete the plan; and 2. the **asset** is being actively **marketed** at a **sale** **price** that is reasonable in relation to its **current** **fair** **value**; and 3. a **completed** sale is **expected** within **one** **year** from the **date** of **classification** (although this period may be extended if any delay is caused by circumstances beyond the entity's control); and 4. it is **unlikely** that there will be any **significant** **changes** to the **plan** or that the plan will be **withdrawn**.
If these criteria are not satisfied at the end of the reporting period, the asset should not be classified as held for sale. If the criteria are satisfied after the end of the period, but before the financial statements are authorised for issue, the fact that the asset is now classified as held for sale should be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.
Measurement and presentation of AHFS
Assets held for sale should: (3)
- Be measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell
- Not continue to be depreciated, and
- Be presented separately on the face of the SOFP
- Additional disclosures are required in the notes