Impact on individuals, families and communities Flashcards
The world issue I have studied is
Limited development
Background info
Development is the way in which we study how progressed one country is compared to another, and it can be measured in three keyways: political, social and economic.
List of factors
This essay will discuss many factors that impact these individuals greatly such as lack of quality education, high prevalence of preventable disease, conflict, corrupt/incompetent governments, gender inequality and poverty.
Line of argument
Ultimately, this essay will conclude that while all these factors exist on an intersectionality in causing limited development for individuals, families, and communities, one factor will be the most prevalent in causing limited development.
Point one
One way that global development impacts individuals and families is lack of quality education.
Point one explain
Global developmental issues can lead to a lack of quality education as often, nations affected by limited development do not have the funds and government support required to invest in the education system. This can mean that these nations do not have trained teachers, the resources required, and physical infrastructure required to provide good quality education. This means that within developing nations, individuals may not have the basic literacy and numeracy skills required to achieve the skills and qualifications needed to attain a high paying job.
Point one example
According to UN, the average school career of an individual within the continent of Africa is 5 years compared to the average school career of an individual in the UK which is 13 years.
A further example of this is in Afghanistan, girls are not able to attend secondary school under the rule of the Taliban which prevents them from gaining a quality education.
Point one analysis
This proves that lack of government support and funding within nations affected by limited development can mean that individuals and their families are affected by a lack of quality education which can then impact their ability to escape poverty, maintain a healthy lifestyle and make personal advancements.
Point two/rebuttal
However, some people argue that high prevalence of preventable disease is a more pressing factor than lack of quality education.
Point two explain
Countries who face the highest amount of preventable disease are more likely to suffer from limited development than those who don’t. This significantly impacts families and individuals as those most impacted are usually within working age so they are more likely to live in poverty as they are unable to work. Death as a result of these preventable diseases often leave children behind who may be cared for by other family members who are also unable to work due to factors such as age.
Point two example
For example, according to the US government, around 17 million children have lost one or both parents to HIV. To further evidence this around 250,000 children a year die from Malaria.
Point two analysis
This proves that high prevalence of preventable disease can mean that individuals and their families are affected as it significantly increases their chances of living in poverty and also means that families can be torn apart due to the consequences if these diseases aren’t treated unlike countries not affected by limited development.
Point two link
Overall, while both factors are significant in impacting families and individuals, lack of quality education has a bigger negative impact on individuals and families within developing nations because it means that citizens are unable to access basic services as people are under qualified to work in these jobs which can lead into other factors like high prevalence of preventable disease and poor infrastructure.
Point three
Another way that limited developmental issues impact individuals and families is that they are more likely to be victims of conflict.
Point three explain
Statistically individuals in nations affected by limited development are more likely to experience conflict than those within developed nations as they may have to compete for resources and suffer from the consequences of a corrupt or incompetent government. Individuals within these nations may experience violence, fear and corruption which can mean that they are more likely to have to flee their homes for safety. This can mean that families are torn apart as their loved ones seek safety or even as a result of fatalities from the conflict. This can impact individuals and families significantly, especially when it comes to their mental health.
Point three example
For example, in South Sudan, where there are ongoing implications from the civil war almost 4 million citizens have been displaced as they seek safety and security.
A further example of this is the conflict in Syria which again has seen millions have to flee their homes in order to escape the civil war at the hands of the now fallen Assad regime.
Point three analysis
This suggests that because of developmental factors within countries, the citizens are much more likely to become victims of conflict which can result in displacement and fatalities much more so than citizens in developed nations which usually experience long periods of peace and stability.
Point four/rebuttal
However, some people believe that corrupt/incompetent governments are a more pressing concern in impacting individuals and families compared to victims of conflict.
Point four explain
Corruption is hugely significant in impacting individuals and families as those in power abuse their position to benefit their own or the needs of the elite minority, money that should be used to tackle issues within education and health services may be embezzled and spent elsewhere meaning that the country is unable to make advancements. This impacts people as it means that they’re unable to access essential services and also reduces the likelihood of not living in poverty.
Point four explain
For example, even though Nigeria is one of the richest countries in Africa, the WFP estimates that 60% of its citizens live in poverty.
Point four analysis
This suggests that due to corrupt and incompetent governments, citizens are more likely to experience the effects of limited development which can result in high rates of poverty and lessens their access to essential services which leads to decreased lifespans much more so than citizens in developed countries who are usually run by democratic governments.
Point four link
Overall, this shows underdevelopment has an overwhelmingly negative impact on the individuals and families within these regions as it significantly decreases their access to essential services which can help to better people’s lives and also significantly increases their chances of living in poverty. However, the most significant factor is incompetent/corrupt governments as it acts as a catalyst for conflicts and can lead to significant negative impacts such as poor health and lack of quality education.
Point five
A third way that limited developmental issues impact individuals and families is due to gender inequality.
Point five explain
Some of the greatest levels of gender inequality are in countries that are faced with limited development. Women often take on the role of primary caregiver in the family and often earn less than men due to the gender pay gap as well as more traditional families often forbidding the women from working and attending school which increases their chances of relying on the men in their lives which can leave them to be vulnerable to issues such as living in poverty and HIV.