Impact Of The Depression (1929) Flashcards
What happened to the unemployment rates for young due to the Depression and how was this seen in June 1933?
They skyrocketed. June 1933 - unemployment in Hamburg for 14-25 age group was 39% for males and 25.2% for females
What were the consequences of youth unemployment?
. Gangs of young men who now had no jobs/future prospect congregated in public spaces in German towns and cities, causing alarm for older, middle class citizens
. Fears of youth involvement in crime increased as this could lead youth to be drawn into extremist political organisations
Why were male unemployment rates worse for males than females during the Depression?
. Women were less likely to register as unemployed
. Traditional female roles such as in service industries was much less affected than male roles such as manufacturing and transport
What happened to the levels of 14-25 year olds being accused of crime?
Increased, more young men being charged with theft
What kind of charges towards youths were increased (particularly men)?
Theft, offences against the state and assault/threatening behaviour
What are offences agains the state and what does this show?
Violence during political demonstrations - shows worsening political situation
How many juveniles were accused of crimes in Hamburg across 1932?
Almost 1000
What happened to the levels of young people in extremist political organisations?
It increased
How did the left draw young people into political extremism?
KPD partly successfully got young working-class people from the ‘wild cliques’ to engage in street battles and political demonstrations
How did the right draw in political extremism for youths?
. Paramilitary organisations on the right tried to recruit unemployed youths
. Hitler Youth and SA offered uniforms and excitement of battle so youths could escape and avoid the boredom of unemployment
How did youth involvement in political extremism vary by gender and majority?
Girls and young women were the least involved and the majority of unemployed youths stayed away from these organisations
What did Adam Stegerwald (minister if Labour) do in March 1931 and what did his views reflect?
Sent a letter to Labour Exchanges on his priorities in creating courses for the young unemployed
. ‘Maintaining their will to work’
. ‘Protecting them from the physical, intellectual and moral dangers of unemployment.’
- reflected Brüning’s governments policies towards the unemployed
What were the priorities of Brüning’s government?
. Keep control over expenditure on unemployment benefits
. Lessen the damaging effects of unemployment on young people
- he did this all whilst reliantly waiting on market forces to revive the economy (risky)
How did Brüning put his priorities in place using compulsory schemes?
- Day centres for young people to take part in work-related activities
- Emergency labour schemes where unemployed youths had to do unskilled manual labour and were paid below the legal minimum
How were both compulsory schemes for unemployment viewed by youths and what did this lead to?
Unpopular, led to October 1930 and June 1932 strikes for higher wages
What were the voluntary labour schemes that Brüning’s government put in place?
. Young unemployed were sent to residential work camps for 6 months away from the cities
What was the problem with the voluntary labour schemes for the young unemployed?
. Didn’t usually offer a possibility of vocational training
. Didn’t help to find youths permanent employment as the priority was to get young unemployed ‘off the streets.’
What was written in 1931 about the effects of the Great Depression on women and what did it say?
‘Twilight for Women’ - ‘the meaning of women’s employment and their right to it are suddenly being questioned.’
What one way did women workers do better than males from the depression?
Female proportion of the total workforce increased
What main problems did the Great Depression cause for women?
. Dismissal of millions of workers from jobs brought back the debate on whether married women should stay employed when males were out of work.
. Right wing parties campaigned against the employment of ‘double earners’
Was the right-wing campaign against the employment of ‘double earners’ successful?
Partly, as in May 1932 a law was passed allowing female civil servants to be dismissed
How was the May 1932 female civil servant dismissal law limited?
. Limited to central government employees only
. Women could only be dismissed if their economic circumstances were proved to be secure
How did the May 1932 law change things?
. Symbolic victory for people who believed married women should only work at home
. After law was passed, Reich Postal Service dismissed around 1000 married women from employment
. Equal rights for women was set back during the Depression years
Who were ‘double earners’ during the Great Depression?
Typically households where both the husband and wife worked. The term was often used in a derogatory manner, as it was like saying these households were taking jobs from other families where the breadwinner was unemployed
What were the consequences of the Great Depression on the political system?
. Collapse of Müller’s Grand Coalition
. Opportunity for extremist parties to gain support and undermine democracy
. Political violence intensified
When does Müller’s Grand coalition collapse?
March 1930
When was the Wall Street Crash?
October 1929
When was the Reichstag election in 1930?
September, communists and Nazi made gains (political extremism clear)
When was the collapse of an Austrian bank?
May 1931
When was the financial crisis in Germany?
July 1931
When was the Nazi SA ban and Hindenburg re-elected?
April 1932
When does Brüning resign and Papen replaces?
May 1932
When do Nazis become largest party after a Reichstag election?
July 1932
What was the Grand Coalition made up of?
5 parties from SPD and moderate right wing DVP
What problems created tension in the Grand Coalition?
. Unemployment soared after Wall Street Crash
. Unemployment benefits increased in prices for government, leading to a strain in state finances
. Falling tax revenues
All of this meant the state budget was in a massive deficit by the end of 1929
How did the Grand Coalition split?
. DVP wanted to reduce unemployment benefits
. SPD wanted to protect the level of welfare benefits and raise taxes to maintain the benefits