Impact Of Sport On Society/Society On Sport keywords Flashcards
An organised group of people associated for some specific purpose or with a shared common interest
A lifelong process where members of society learn its norms, values,ideas,practices and roles in order to take their place in that society
The learning of values or attitudes that are incorporated within yourself
Gender socialisation
The act of learning to conform to culturally defined gender roles through socialisation
Social control
A concept that refers to the way in which people’s thoughts, feelings appearance and behaviour are regulated in social systems
An established organisation founded for a religious, educational, professional or social purpose
Social issues
Problems that affect many people within a society
Social change
An alteration in the social order of a society
The unfair situation where resources or opportunities are distributed unevenly within a society
Social stratification
A type of social inequality where society is divided into different levels on the basis of a social characteristic, such as wealth or status
Social class
A term used to define social inequalities. i.e certain groups have more access to wealth, income and power than others. Factors which contribute to social class include a persons job, family background, education and income
Social action theory
a way of viewing socialisation, emphasising social action
the process of gradually developing towards a more advanced state
interactionist approach
the study of how individuals behave within a society
equal opportunities
the right to access the same opportunities, regardless of factors such as race, age, sex, mental or physical capability
Treating people fairly and giving them an equal chance