impact of fraudulent cases Flashcards
What year was the Boy of Burton fraudulent case?
How much impact did the Boy of Burton case have on religion?
Huge impact > involvement of Archbishop of Canterbury
What evidence is there of the Church intervening as a result of the Boy of Burton case?
1604 - Forbidding the practice of exorcisms without a license
> Had little impact as only raised legal severity > perhaps the Church intervened for reputable reasons?
What was largely questioned as a result of the Boy of Burton case?
Exorcisms > well known exorcist John Darrell’s reputation damaged due to exposed fraudulence
> sparked theological debate: were exorcisms reliable at suspending the Devil?
What sparked attention surrounding local communities beliefs due to the exposure of the Boy of Burton case?
Gossip played dominate role in spreading witchcraft belief
> Exposure of Thomas Darling’s lie supports this, perhaps the child was influenced by local gossip?
Was witchcraft belief fully suspended as a result of the Boy of Burton case?
No > pamphlet war was dedicated to exorcisms rather than witchcraft belief > opposition to witchcraft largely remained among local communities
What year was the Pendle Swindle case?
Why did the Pendle Swindle gain mass attention during the 1630s?
Involvement of Privy Council & King Charles
> Huge impact, perhaps resonated with the King’s personal beliefs surrounding witchcraft?
What is the link between the reduced witchcraft prosecutions and the involvement of the Elite/Learned Elite in the 1630s?
Foundation for actionable change > highlights better approach towards prosecutions using rational thinking
> Perhaps scepticism of witnesses increased? (significant impact)
Why did belief in witchcraft not dramatically change as a result of the Pendle Swindle?
Despite overriding gossip/century old belief with evidence it played a part in the beginning of the East Anglia Witch Hunt 11 years later
> A significant duality therefore is of great impact
What impact did John Webster have on local communities in 1677?
Birthed complications > majoritively opinion based case
> Rural communities had little access to literacy
> Little influence over people’s beliefs > Robinson’s credulity was questioned
What year was the Demon Drummer of Tedworth case?
How significant was the Demon Drummer of Tedworth case?
Very > revisited throughout 17th century > scepticism based argument
> Not opinion based case due to publication
How did the Demon Drummer of Tedworth provoke debate?
Reality of supernatural forces were uncommon > gossip influence overrode evidence (large impact)
> Fueled nobleman’s suspicions also
Why is the Demon Drummer case excluded from other fraudulent cases during Stuart Britain?
Had smaller impact on declining belief in witchcraft > supernatural phenomena entirely blamed
> Doesn’t integrate Church teachings of the Devil