Impact Of Criminal Acts On Individuals And Society Flashcards
2 individuals that criminal activity can have an impact on
Offenders and their family
Victim of crime assistance tribunal and impact of criminal activity on victims
Victims of crime can be affected financially, physically and mentally. Financial loss might include medical expenses, loss of property, damage to property or loss of income. Victims may be physically injured or emotionally traumatised and lose self-confidence as a result of the crime committed against them. Crimes can also have far-reaching effects.
Victims of crime can be compensated for the loss they have suffered through the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal. A person who has been a victim of a crime may be likely to take time off work to recover from the trauma; in this way crime also affects businesses because they then have to bear the cost of an employee being absent from work.
Impact on offenders and their families
The offender is often affected by the crime that has been committed. He or she may be filled with guilt, especially if the crime has had a devastating effect on the victim. The families of offenders suffer the emotional strain of finding out that a family member has committed a crime.
Going to court is very stressful for offenders and their families, and very costly, unless they receive assistance with their legal fees.
Impact on society, include at least 3 examples
In order to enjoy life, members of society must feel safe to walk the streets, without the fear of being attacked by criminals. It is the role of the police to protect members of the public and make homes and streets safe. Rising crime rates affect society and how people conduct their lives. For example, if crime is prevalent in an area, it is likely that people will avoid that area for fear of becoming a victim of crime.
Criminal behaviour can affect the community in a number of ways, including:
• physical pain and suffering felt by victims of crime
• financial loss experienced by victims of crime
• cost of providing police to enforce the law
• cost of providing medical care for victims of crime
• cost to individuals of insurance premiums to cover claims which may be made for loss through
• extra cost placed on goods to cover loss or damage caused through crime
• lost workdays through people having time off work to recover from the effects of crime
• members of the community fearing to go about freely in case they become victims of similar
Maintaining an effective police force is a financial burden on society, but it is necessary to keep our society safe and deter people from committing a crime.
5 organisations victims can use to receive assistance
Victims charter Victims support agency Victim impact statements Court network service Victim register