Impact of conservation, commercial and recreational activities on Outdoor Environments Flashcards
The preservation,
management or
restoration of the
natural environment,
inclusive of
vegetation, wildlife
and natural
resources, such as
soil and water
Positive Impacts of conservation
vegetation modification due to controlled burning (that is, the prevention of larger fires through
the deliberate burning of fire breaks)
* land clearing due to conservation infrastructure (e.g. walkways, composting toilets)
* environmental intrusion due to the creation of permanent structures in natural areas (e.g. fences,
viewing platforms)
* incidental disruption of habitats.
Commercial activities
Commercial activities are those that result in a profit or financial gain for an individual or group as a
result of utilising the natural environment. They can also be inclusive of large-scale operations that are
commonly referred to as industrial activities.
non renewable
A resource that
does not renew
itself at a sufficient
rate for sustainable
economic extraction
in meaningful
human timeframes
Impacts forestry and timber harvesting (commercial activites)
Positive impacts of forestry include:
* renewable resource of timber due to sustainable timber harvesting schemes where trees are
continually replanted
* reduction in pollution due to local timber harvesting and reduced transport needs.
Negative impacts of forestry include:
* large-scale land clearing due to clear felling
* habitat fragmentation due to removal of live trees, dead/fallen timber and truck routes being built
* species endangerment and reduction in biodiversity
* poisons entering food webs and waterways due to pesticide and herbicide use
* salinity issues due to rising water table
* topsoil disturbance and gully erosion
* soil compaction and loss of leaf litter
* introduction of weed species and diseases.
Impacts of mining (commercial activites)
Positive impacts of mining include:
* reclamation of natural environments due to
mine rehabilitation programs.
Negative impacts of mining include:
* soil disturbance and timber clearing due to
total removal of vegetation and soil
* loss of biodiversity and species
endangerment due to loss of habitats
* introduction of weed species and diseases
due to deforestation and machinery use
* atmospheric pollution and increased
greenhouse gas emissions
* soil and water pollution due to chemicals
leaching into soils
* disturbance of marine life due to
underwater testing and drilling
* extraction of fossil fuels from inaccessible
and possibly inappropriate locations, such as
the Great Barrier Reef.
Impacts of farming and agriculture (commercial activities)
Positive impacts of farming include:
* prevention of erosion and soil retention due to utilisation of recycled waste water on crops.
Negative impacts of farming include:
* loss of vegetation and topsoil due to land clearing
* salinity issues due to rising water table
* decline in biodiversity due to land clearing and loss of habitats
* erosion of creek beds and loss of nutrients in soil due to movement of hard-hooved animals
* degradation of soil nutrient values
* decline in water quality due to fertiliser use
* introduction of weed species and diseases.
Impacts of development and urbanisation(commercial activites)
Positive impacts of development and urbanisation include:
* preservation of important habitats due to the parks and reserves system.
Negative impacts of development and urbanisation include:
* fragmentation of habitats due to transport routes
* decline in biodiversity due to land clearing
* introduced weeds and feral animals
* soil compaction and erosion
* air pollution
* contamination of watercourses and oceans due to stormwater drainage, sewage outfall and
industrial waste disposal
* unstable nutrient levels and soil contamination due to detergents, fertilisers, insecticides,
pesticides and animal faeces.
Recreational actvites
Recreational activities may be undertaken via
two ways:
* nature-based – focuses on the person being
involved with the natural environment
* adventure-based – the user focuses on the
activity as opposed to the setting itself.
impacts of recreational activites (commercial)
Negative impacts as a result of bushwalking, hiking and camping could include:
* introduction of weed species
* fire scars, depletion of firewood and damage to vegetation due to campfires
* soil compaction and erosion due to repeated treading and tent pitching
* pollution from inappropriate toileting and rubbish disposal methods
* wildlife dependency on humans due to feeding fauna
* disruption of wildlife due to domestic animals and increased noise levels
* decreased biodiversity levels due to habitat loss
* landscape degradation due to construction of visitor facilities.
Negative impacts as a result of recreational vehicles (trail bikes and four-wheel drives) could include:
* damage to trees due to vehicle extraction methods
* pollution of watercourses due to increased runoff from tracks and inappropriate toileting and
rubbish disposal methods
* soil compaction, erosion and track rutting due to repeated tracking
* track braiding due to drivers seeking new routes around boggy or unnegotiable areas.
Negative impacts as a result of alpine skiing (downhill and cross-country) could include:
* landscape degradation due to construction of roads and ski-resort facilities
* loss of biodiversity and species endangerment due to loss of habitats
* land clearing due to construction of ski runs
* trampling of exposed vegetation
* pollution from inappropriate toileting and rubbish disposal methods (particularly during summer
months when litter and faeces are exposed).
Negative impacts as a result of rock climbing could include:
* invasion of natural environment due to permanent fixtures such as bolts, belay points and ladders
* removal of vegetation, such as moss, along climbing routes
* pollution from inappropriate toileting and rubbish disposal methods
* soil compaction and erosion due to repeated trampling at the base of popular climbs
* defacing of rock surfaces due to chipping, smoothing, cementing and chalk residue