Impact of Commercialisation on Physical activity and sport and the relationship between sport and the media Flashcards


The graph below shows the income from Premier League television broadcasting rights over a 27-year period.

Evaluate the impact of commercialisation on professional football since the Premier League was formed in 1992. Refer to the graph above in your response.

(8 marks)


AO1 Indicative Content: knowledge of increased commercialisation in football.

*   Commercialisation, treating sport as a commodity/using it as an asset to be sold.
*   Involves sponsorship and media coverage.
*   Characterised by professional sport, entertainment, contracts, athletes as commodities, focus is on results.

AO2 Indicative Content: application of knowledge of increased commercialisation in football.

*   TV revenue paid to the Premier League has increased from £191 million for the period 1992– 1997, up to £5 136 million/£5.1 billion between 2016–2019.
*   Investment from BSKYB/BT to broadcast live matches across the globe.
*   The Premier League is a global brand/shown all over the world/in over 130 countries.
*   Sponsorship of kits/stadia/ball/programme, eg The Emirates Stadium – Arsenal FC

AO3 Indicative Content: evaluation of the impact of commercialisation on football.

Positive impacts
*   Increased revenue/investment allows higher wages attracting the best players in the world to play in the Premier League.
*   Increased income has led to increased standards of facilities, coaching, training and rehabilitation, all contributing to increasing the standard of football.
*   Officials can now train full-time/revenue has increased technology used to make refereeing decisions more accurate.
*   Money raised through commercialisation is used to benefit the facilities/opportunities of grass-roots football.

Negative impacts
*   The income from commercialisation is not distributed evenly between clubs/teams, creating inequality.
*   Global appeal can lead to intense scrutiny of the sport leading to criticism over any indiscretion.
*   Control of decision making for the sport increasingly affected by a small group of very wealthy individuals/companies.
*   Timings/frequency of matches dictated by TV companies
*   Increases likelihood of gamesmanship/win-at-all-costs attitude/Lombardian ethic reducing the appeal of the sport.
Accept other appropriate evaluation of commercialisation on professional football since the Premier League was formed in 1992.

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Discuss the suggestion that the increased media coverage of elite sport has had a positive impact on coaches. [4 marks]


Sub max of 2 marks per section
Greater profile / public awareness of their role
Increased salary / job opportunities
Greater funding from media rights to develop players / team / squad / support systems
Not just ‘more money’ – need to say how it can be used
Easier to analyse opposition
Learn from other coaches


Greater pressure / expected to produce results
Greater expectation to deal with media / answer questions / invasion of privacy or equiv
Hire and fire culture / easier to lose job
Coaches at clubs / sports with less coverage have less funding
Coaches at clubs / sports with less coverage find it harder to attract performers
Media allows opposition access to team tactics

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Sky Broadcasting and BT currently pay £3.2 billion for the media rights of Barclay’s Premier League.

Outline the disadvantages to a sport of increased media control. [4 marks]

  1. Traditional nature of the sport changes / new competitions / formats introduced / rules / regulations / scoring systems altered / clothing / uniforms changed / breaks in play
  2. Playing times altered / playing seasons altered
    Location of events may be influenced by commercial considerations
  3. Ticket allocations given to sponsors not fans
    More popular sports gain more coverage at expense of minority sports
  4. Media can direct public opinion / support about sport or event / over sensational negative events eg deviancy
  5. Fewer viewers for some sports due to pay-per-view / subscription channels
  6. Lower attendance at events that are televised
  7. Over-saturation on television / spectators become bored with too much sport
    Focus of question is on sport, not on teams or individual players.
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Explain why an elite performer should consider the nature of a sponsor and their products before accepting a sponsorship deal. [3 marks]


A The performer is a role model for others.
B Sport performers therefore have a social duty to others / human rights / unethical manufacturing of goods.
C Commercial support depends upon the image of the performer.
D Linking to a product that does not reflect the nature of sport / healthy life styles / e.g. links to tobacco companies or alcohol / junk food.
E May endanger future commercial support.
F Bring criticism to the performer / bad reputation.
G Benefits one sponsor will bring compared to another e.g. level of income / publicity.
H Level of control exerted by sponsor / commitment / expectation e.g. public appearance or equiv.

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Discuss the suggestion that funding should be equal for all sports and not based on performance at major championships.
[4 marks]


All sports need funding for development / increase chance of success / fair funding
Must be clear which perspective is being discussed

Helps to promote less familiar / popular sports
Widens the foundation / participation pyramid / increase grass roots participation
Can only be awarded in the agree discussion

Provides alternative options for participation / everyone has the right to develop their potential in chosen sport

London Olympic legacy should be encouraged

Limited funds have to be used effectively / not enough funding for all sports
Better to increase chances of winning medals in target sports / tax payers need value for money / no compromise approach appears to be successful / reward successful sports

Encourages sports to invest money correctly / accountability / encourages sporting organisations to have high quality resources / good Whole Sport Plans / administrators or equiv

Encourages sporting organisations / governing bodies to work together / share resources

Funding is a privilege not a right

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Many elite sports are now commercialised and seen as a form of entertainment.

Discuss the suggestion that an increase in the commercialisation of sport has been beneficial for performers and the sport.
(Total 8 marks)


**AO1- Knowledge **
Identified the beneficial impact of commercialisation using simple statements, eg increase in wages/increase in exposure to the general public.

AO2 – Application

Identified and explained the impact of commercialisation (simple statements), eg increase in performers’ wages means they can train full time which will improve performance levels/performers become role models and can attract more youngsters to the sport increasing participation levels.

AO3 – Evaluation

Linked explanations and discussion of the impact of commercialisation, eg increase in performers’ wages means they can train full time which will improve performance levels but they may want the money too much and are therefore prepared to take deviant means to succeed such as doping.

Performers become role models and can attract more youngsters to the sport increasing participation levels but that also means they have to portray a positive image as their behaviour is always under the spotlight. Poor behaviour on or off the pitch can reduce participation and spectator levels, as they will become poor role models.

Credit other relevant points in relation to the suggestion that an increase in the commercialisation of sport has been beneficial for performers and the sport.

Max 8 marks

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Explain two benefits of sponsorship to companies investing large amounts of money into sport.

[4 marks]


*   Increase in publicity / media coverage (1) resulting in an increased sales / profit (1)
*   Linking the company to an elite athlete (1) adds value to a brand / creates an association with excellence / creates an association with a healthy image (1)
*   Decreases tax paid by the company (1) due to tax relief afforded on money donated as sponsorship (1)
*   Being linked to a successful sport / performer (1) can improve the morale of the company’s staff (1)
*   The company is provided with tickets etc (1) which allows them to build relationships with customers and clients (1).
Answer must include a benefit (AO1) and an explanation of the impact on the company (AO2) to be awarded 2 marks.

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Discuss the impact of commercialisation on officials.
[4 marks]


Positive impacts (sub max 2 marks)
*   Increased profile / fame which increases awareness and the need for officials to support fair play in sport (1)
*   Increase in salary / paid more money and so could then become a full time profession / career pathway (1)
*   Increased funding into the sport means more money can be invested into supporting technologies to allow officials to make better / more accurate decisions (1)
*   Increased funding can lead to greater support of network of officials and so greater training (1).

Negative impacts (sub max 2 marks)

*   Due to increased coverage of the sport there is increased pressure on officials to make the right decisions (1)
*   Criticism of bad performance / could lose their job / reputation be damaged if a wrong decision is made (1)
*   Officials could become dependent on technology that’s been developed so are not confident of making decisions without it (1).

Accept other appropriate discussions of the positive and negative impacts of commercialisation on officials.

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In 2018, Alexis Sánchez became the highest earner in the Premier League with a reported wage of £350 000 per week.

Evaluate the impact that wages associated with modern day professionalism in association football has on the status and motivation of players.

(Total 8 marks)


AO1 – Knowledge of modern day growth in professionalism and motivation

*   Modern day professional is, respected for their talent, has more time to train, experience celebrity status and are positive role models in society.

*   Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic, with extrinsic being tangible or intangible.

AO2 – Application of the status of professional in association football and motivation of players

*   The status of the player influences their ability to become role models / their responsibilities can increase.

*   As status of player increases they may have more opportunity to access better facilities.

*   As status of player increases they may be afforded more opportunities.

*   The status of a player may encourage them to support charities more / public speaking opportunities.

*   Players may gain sponsorship from status.

*   Status of player may support an increase in sponsorship / commercial / media attention and branding opportunities.

*   Players may receive high monetary rewards for their talents.

*   More money is being invested in football due to professionalism.

*   Professionals train full-time and have the benefit of utilising state of the art facilities and training equipment.

*   Professional player may be motivated in different ways. Some will be intrinsically motivated, meaning they will play because of the love for the game and their own personal motivations.

*   Other players may be extrinsically motivated by extrinsic rewards, which may be trophies or the wages they receive - tangible.

*   Extrinsic motivation may be intangible, whereby the player is motivated by the praise they receive, from manager, fellow competitors or spectators.

AO3 – Evaluation of the impact of high wage increases associated with professionalism have had on the status and motivation of players

*   The increase in weekly wages could increase the intrinsic motivation of players to train harder and play better, which would increase their value and future wage demands, as well as making for a more entertaining game.

*   On the other hand players may become overly reliant on extrinsic rewards of high wages and lose the intrinsic motivation, which could become detrimental to their efforts and values.

*   Some players may be happy to avoid playing or not being part of the starting 11 as they are still being paid large salaries / wages.

*   The players may lose the love for the game and show no loyalty, whilst chasing higher wages.

*   A balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation would be ideal, but too much reliance on the extrinsic could damage intrinsic motives.

*   Higher wages may impact on the effort a professional applies to their training / performance, as they are more focused on other aspects, such as sponsorship / media.

*   Some professionals can be more motivated to utilise their status to support charitable work / use their status to influence positive change.

Accept any other appropriate evaluation around the impact of wages associated with modern day professionalism in association football have on the status and motivation of players.

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Sponsors and the media pay huge sums of money to be linked to elite performers and to cover major sporting events.

In 2012, the golfer Rory McIlroy signed a 10 year sponsorship contract with the sports company Nike, reported to be worth over £150 million.

Explain the reasons for companies investing such large sums of money in sport.

[3 marks]


Raise awareness of brand / increased publicity / Increase sales of their products / brand becoming more fashionable

Linked to sport with good image / improve company image / link to excellence / improve community involvement / improve public relations

Opportunity for corporate hospitality / entertain clients

Improve company morale / employees feel linked to success of sport

Tax relief for sponsoring companies

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Many elite sports are now commercialised and seen as a form of entertainment.

Discuss the suggestion that an increase in the ‘commercialisation’ of sport has been beneficial for performers and the sport.

(Total 6 marks)



Increase in wages / prize money / extrinsic rewards / increased sponsorship / professional contracts.
Performers become well known / role models.
Increased participation / increased spectators.
Money to provide better facilities / better equipment / training support / better coaches /
research / talent identification programme / technology at events to aid officials / equiv.

‘More funding’ too vague

Performers able to train full-time.
Increase in number of events / competitions.

Not beneficial

Increase in deviant behaviour / cheating / doping / violent play.
Not all sports benefit / money mainly goes to popular sports.
Sport loses control / organisation of events / corporate hospitality taking tickets.
Over-reliance on money as income.
Rules alter / format altered / forced to turn from amateur to professional.

‘Change the way the game is played’ is too vague

Greater pressure / expectation on performers to win.

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Media coverage of professional tennis has increased over the past 20 years. Tennis players are increasingly required to interact with the media in the lead-up to matches.

Evaluate the impact the media may have on a professional tennis player’s self-efficacy in an upcoming match.

Refer to Bandura’s Model of self-efficacy in your answer.

[15 marks]


AO1 Knowledge of media and self-efficacy

Media: radio, TV, satellite, internet and social media

Self-efficacy: a belief in your ability to master a specific sporting situation

Bandura’s Model of Self-efficacy

*   Performance accomplishments: what you have achieved already.

*   Vicarious experiences: seeing others do the task.

*   Verbal persuasion: encouragement from others.

*   Emotional arousal: a perception of the effects of anxiety on performance.

AO2 Application of media and self-efficacy to the tennis player

Application of media to tennis

*   Tennis is regularly shown on TV.

*   Major tournaments generate high viewing figures.

*   Many players are high-profile celebrities with large social media followings.

*   Highlights/reports etc can be seen across the internet.

Application of self-efficacy to tennis

*   Performance accomplishments: a tennis player may have previously beaten their upcoming opponent.

*   Vicarious experiences: a tennis player may see a similarly ranked player beating their next opponent.

*   Verbal persuasion: the tennis player’s coach may give them encouragement before their upcoming match.

*   Emotional arousal: the tennis player may use stress management techniques to achieve optimal arousal.

AO3 Evaluation of the impact the media may have on a professional tennis player’s self-efficacy in an upcoming match

Positive impact

*   Performance accomplishments: media commentators may highlight that the player has never lost to their opponent in their previous ten meetings which will increase their self-efficacy.

*   Vicarious experiences: the player will be able to watch other players of similar rank beating their next opponent which will increase self-efficacy.

*   Verbal persuasion: commentators may predict that the player will win their next match increasing their self-efficacy.

*   Emotional arousal: as the player is a professional, they will be in the autonomous stage of learning and as such an increase in emotional arousal, due to a large TV audience/media presence, will result in social facilitation and increased self-efficacy.

Negative impact

*   Performance accomplishments: media commentators may highlight that the player has never beaten their opponent in their previous ten meetings which will decrease their self-efficacy.

*   Vicarious experiences: the player will be able to watch other players of similar rank losing to their next opponent which will decrease self-efficacy.

*   Verbal persuasion: commentators may predict that the player will lose their next match decreasing their self-efficacy.

*   Emotional arousal: the player may be an autonomous performer but not have experienced playing in front of a large TV audience/media presence before – this will result in increased arousal and could result in very high arousal levels decreasing self-efficacy.

Accept any other appropriate evaluation of the impact the media may have on a professional tennis player’s self-efficacy in their upcoming match with reference to Bandura’s model of self-efficacy.

Max 15 marks

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Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most followed athletes on Twitter. In 2015 he was the

first athlete on social media to pass 50 million likes on his Facebook page.

Discuss the impact this exposure could have upon professional athletes. [3 marks]


Sub-max 2 Advantages

Social media allows the athlete to reach a broad and worldwide audience allowing them to make more money through sponsorship / endorsements (1)

Social media can bring an athlete in touch with their fans, communicating via social media, increasing their fan base / followers (1)

Social media can further promote the athlete as a brand and image, supporting further opportunities / career opportunities (1)

Sub-max 2 Disadvantages

Social media may expose negative aspects of the athlete’s private life, meaning their public image is tarnished (1)

Social media may provide an opportunity for the public to criticise the athletes performance, decreasing confidence / drive / motivation to train or play (1)

Inappropriate comments made by a player on social media becomes public very quickly and may hinder career prospects / further opportunity (1)

Accept any other appropriate discussion point around the impact of social media exposure upon professional athletes.


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