Impact of carbon cycle on land, ocean and atmosphere Flashcards
Impact on land
Increased temps from more CO2 in atmosphere warm up land. In Tundra, land warming increases the rate of decay of accumulated dead organic matter leading to release of CO2 and methane.
Impact on oceans
-ocean acidification
About 30% of the co2 that has been released into the atmosphere has been diffused into ocean. Dissolving Co2 in the ocean creates carbonic acid. this makes the ocean less alkaline. Since 1970, pH of ocean of ocean’s surface has dropped by 0.1, a 30 % change in acidity.
Impacts of ocean acidification
chemical reaction means less carbonate available to make shells. Shells become more fragile and thinner. Coral reefs provide 500 million people with food ad livelihood security worldwide. Reef loss would threaten coastal communities
good part of ocean acidification
more acidic, betterag dissolving calcium carbonate rocks (chsalk and limestone) so overtime ocean will soak up more co2