Immunomodulators Flashcards
What 4 immune modulating therapies are there that can boost the immune system?
- Vaccination
- Replacement of missing components
- Cytokine therapy
- Blocking immune checkpoints - for
advanced melanoma
How are cytokines used as immune modulators?
Usually to boost immune response –> now used a lot less
Name examples of therapeutic use of cytokine therapy in medicine
- IL-2 – increase T cell response, renal Cell carcinoma
- Interferon alpha - antiviral effect, Hep B & C (+ ribavirin)
- Interferon gamma: increase macrophage function, Chronic granulomatous disease
What are examples of replacing missing components of the immune system as a way to boost?
- Bone Marrow transplant
- Antibody replacment (blood product from >1000 donors –> different antibodies used in primary antibody deficiency (Common variable immune defieincy, x-linked agammaglobulinaemia,) , sometimes secondary antibody deficiency (CLL; post BM transplant)
- Speficic Immunoglobuling for PEP –> passive immunisation , e.g. for HepB, Rabies, vvaricella zoster in pregnancy under 20 ) , tetanus immunoglobulin
- T-cell (some velopment
What are the different options and indicationn of antibody replacement?
IVIg/ ScIg –> pooled blood product from >1000 donors –> different IgG antibodies against many diseases formed
- primary antibody deficiency (Common variable immune defieincy, x-linked agammaglobulinaemia,)
- sometimes secondary antibody deficiency (CLL; post BM transplant)
Name examples of where specific antibodies are used in prevention and treatment of diseases
Derived from plasma donors with high titres of
IgG antibodies to specific pathogens, usually used as PEP –>
- Hepatitis B
- Rabies
- Varicella Zoster (for pregnanct women under 20 weeks)
What are the different ways of replacing missing T-cell immune responses?
All together: Adoptive cell transfer (ACT)
Different methods, quite specific for certain diseases
- Virus specific T cells
- Tumour infiltrating T cells (TIL – T cell therapy)
- T cell receptor T cells (TCR - T cell therapy)
- Chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR – T cell therapy)
What is Virus specific T cell therapy?
Generally T-cells enhanved for specific virus (e.g. for EBV in B cell lymphoproliferatice disease)
What is tumour infiltrating lymphocytte (TIL) therapy?
- TILs collected from tumour & expanded with IL-2
- TIL infusion into lymphoid depleted patient → destroy cancer cells
Indications: Head & neck SCC, melanoma, lung and gynae ca.
What are TCR and CARt T cell therapy?
T cells get engineered to express receptors specific to tumour angigens
TCR: design of t-cell receptor against any antigen
CAR: desing of a variable segment of antibody (e.g. for CD-19) –> mainly non-H lymphomas or Lymphoblastik Leukaemia
Wha tis the MOA of all immune checkpoints blockads?
Blocking the -ve feedback loop, that usually downregulates immune cells (e.g. blocking of PD-1 thatt can be present on APC and some tumour cells –> enhance immune response against tumours)
What is Pembrolizumab or Nivolumab?
What are the indications and complications?
Monoclonal antibodies against PD-1:
PD-1 present on many tumours usually suppresses immune response against malignant tissue –> antibody = immune checkpoint blockade –> allows T-cell activation
- Advanced melanoma
- Metastatic renal cell cancer
- Increasing indications in oncology
- Autoimmunity (no -ve regulation )
What is Ipilimumab?
What are the indications
It is another immune-checkpoint inhibitor for CTLA4 that allows more T-cell activation, particularly for treatment of melanoma + metastatic Renal cell caners
What are the different ways of suppressing the immune sysems?
- Steroids
- Anti-proliferative agents
- Plasmapheresis
- Inhibitors of cell signalling
- Agents directed at cell surface antigens
- Agents directed at cytokines and their receptors
What is the MOA of steroids in the use as immunosuppression?
Suppress all actions of immune system
- Inhibit Prostaglandins synthesis : Inhibits phospholipase A2 →no breakdown of phospholipids to arachidonic acid→ prostaglandin synthesis blocked = reduced inflammation
- Reduced Phagocyte traffic : –> reduced prostaglandins= reduced signaling for neutrophils to move into tissue –> increase in circulatory neutrophils
- additional reduced release of phagocytic enzymes
Lymphocytes stay in lymphoid tissue –> lymphopenia
+ additional suppression of cytokine genes, antibody formation and steroids promote apoptosis
What are the main side-effects of steroid use?
- Metabolic (diabetis, lipid, osteoporois, hisrsutism, adrenal suppression in long-term use)
- others (cataracts, glaucoma, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, avascular necrosis
- and immunosuppression –> infection
What is the general rational behind using anti-proliferative drugs for immunosuppression?
Inhibit DNA synthessis
–> Cells with rapid turnover are the most sensitive –> often immune cells have a rapid turnover
What are some of the examples of antiproliferative drugs used to induce immunosuppression?
- Cyclophosphamide
- Mycophenolate
- Azathioprine
- Methotrexate