Immunohema AE practice Flashcards
The blood group found in the Band
3.0 of the RBC is:
a. Diego
b. MN
c. Ss
d. Gerbich
The blood group that was first
discovered using the AHG
a. Kell
b. Kidd
c. Duffy
d. ABO
Reverse typing in Blood Bank is not
required in:
I. For confirmation testing of
labeled previously typed
donor cells
II. In infant less than 4 months
III.18-year-old patient who will
undergo transfusion
IV.A first time donor
a. I
b. I, II, III
c. I, II
d. I, II, III, IV
Reagent that will differentiate Type
O from Type Oh cells:
a. Dolichos biflorus lectin
b. Ulex europeus lectin
c. Griffonia simplicifolia lectin
d. Acidified anti-B
The person who discovered the Rh
Blood Group:
a. Levine and Stetson
b. Landsteiner and Weiner
c. Jules Bordet
d. Karl Landsteiner
ISBT 001003 is:
a. A
b. AB
c. B
d. O
All of the following antibodies may
be produced by the Rh blood group,
a. Anti-C
b. Anti-f
c. Anti-d
d. Anti-CE
All the following causes severe
Hemolytic disease of the fetus and
the newborn, EXCEPT:
a. Rh
b. Kell
c. ABO
d. Duffy
Rh null cells are associated with
this RBC morphology:
a. Acanthocytosis
b. Stomatocytosis
c. Myelofibrosis
d. Sickle cell
Highly specialized prenatal test in
which a sample of the baby’s blood
is removed from the umbilical cord
for testing
a. Cordocentesis
b. Percutaneous umbilical cord
c. Both cordocentesis and
percutaneous umbilical cord
d. Amniocentesis
The purpose of this blood derivative
is to prevent severe HDFN by
preventing anti-D formation among
Rh-negative individual:
a. RhoGam
b. Washed RBC
c. Immune serum globulin
d. FFP
Blood group antigens are present in
II. Platelets
a. I
b. I, II, III
c. I, II
d. I, II, III, IV
According to the latest ISBT
Census, there are __ blood groups
a. 30
b. 39
c. 36
d. 43
All of the following shows a correct
way of writing blood group
terminologies, except:
a. Fy(a+b+)
b. Jk(a+)
c. Anti-D
d. Duffy b-positive
Positive reactions in Blood Bank:
I. Agglutination
II. Hemolysis
a. I
b. I, II, III
c. I, II
d. I, II, III, IV
This Lewis phenotype is seen in
increase renal graft and heart
disease; increased susceptibility to
infections by Candida and
uropathogenic E. coli
a. Le(a-b-)
b. Leb
c. Lea
d. Lex
True for ABO antibodies, EXCEPT:
a. Immune antibodies
b. Reacts at room temperature
c. Mostly IgM antibodies
d. Known as Isohemagglutinins
Antibody associated with
Paroxysmal Nocturnal
a. Anti-A
b. Autoanti-P
c. Cold agglutinins
d. None of the choices
A phenotype capable of producing
the anti-D
a. Weak D
b. Partial D
c. Exalted D
d. Rh: 1, -2, -3, -4, -5
Considered as the primary
component of choice against
thrombocytopenia due to its cheap
value and availability:
a. Random Donor Platelet
Concentrate (RDP)
b. Single Donor Platelet
Concentrate (SDP)
c. Both RDP and SDP
d. FFP
I and i antigens are present in the:
I. Plasma
II. Human milk
a. I
b. I, II, III
c. I, II
d. I, II, III, IV
Identify the procedure: Performed
by accessing the fetal umbilical vein
and injecting donor RBCs directly
into the vein
a. Intrauterine Transfusion
b. Cordocentesis
c. Exchange Transfusion
d. Amniocentesis
Antibodies of the following blood
group demonstrates dosage effect,
a. Kidd
b. Rh except D
c. Lutheran
d. ABO
Many small to medium aggregates
with clear background is graded as:
a. 1+
b. 3+
c. 2+
d. 4+
(M-N-) is associated with
resistance to infection with:
a. Plasmodium falciparum
b. Helicobacter pylori
c. Plasmodium vivax
d. Hydatid worm
Causes of false-positive result in
Direct AHG:
I. Over centrifugation
II. Small fibrin clots
III.Dirty glassware
IV.Rouleaux formation
a. I
b. I, II, III
c. I, II
d. I, II, III, IV
The maximum allowable blood that
can be collected from a Whole
Blood allogeneic donor:
a. 450 mL
b. 525 mL
c. 600 mL
d. 600 mL
A gene that does not produce any
detectable traits:
I. O gene
II. h gene
III.A gene
IV.B gene
a. I
b. I, II, III
c. I, II
d. I, II, III, IV
In the FDA label for blood bags,
Blood type A color label is:
a. Yellow
b. Pink
c. White
d. Blue
.All of the following are true for
Private antigens, EXCEPT:
a. Rare antigens
b. Also known as family antigen
c. Example: Cellano or k
d. Also known as low incidence
Blood preservative-anticoagulant
that has a storage day of 21 days:
a. I
b. I, II, III
c. I, II
d. I, II, III, IV
Factors affecting immunization and
severity of HDFN:
I. Antigenic exposure
II. Immunoglobulin class
III.Host factors
IV.Antibody specificity
a. I
b. I, II, III
c. I, II
d. I, II, III, IV
Reagent composition of rejuvesol:
d. Nutricel
Identify the ABO type:
Anti-A + Saliva + A cell = Without
Anti-B + Saliva + B cell = Without
Anti-H + Saliva + O cell = Without
a. A
b. AB
c. B
d. Nonsecretor
Component of the anticoagulant
preservative of RBC that maintains
the pH during storage:
a. Citrate
b. Dextrose
c. Sodium phosphate
d. Mannitol
Blood group antigens that are
easily destroyed by Enzymes:
II. Fya
a. I
b. I, II, III
c. I, II
d. I, II, III, IV