Immunodeficiency Flashcards
Wiskott-Aldrich clinical features, Ddx, Ix
AD , increased on scalp, face, secondary bacterial infection, herpes, infection via encapsulated organisms, meningitis, otitis media, increased susceptibility to hsv, hpv
Increased igA,D,E and decreased IgM, impaired cell mediated and humoral response. Increased risk of lymphoma esp nhl.
Thrombocytopenia, bloody diarrhoea
Ddx: AD, SCID, hyper igE, chronic granulomatous disease
Ix: fbc, Mean plt volume, ig levels, DNA analysis
Wiskott-Aldrich premature death
Premature death due to infection > haemorrhage> malignancy
Chronic granulomatous disease. Inheritance and gene
Fetal dx
X linked recessive 76% gp91-phone gene
Autosomal recessive 24% p47, p67 phox genes
Nitroblue tetrazolium reduction assay of fetal leukocytes
Wiskott-Aldrich age of onset
First few months of life with breathing problems
Chronic granulomatous disease. Onset, clinical features
Birth to 1 year
Impaired phagocytic burst. Mutation in NADPH oxidase enzyme
Skin: recurrent staph, periorifical dermatitis, abscesses, lymphadenopathy
Mucous membranes : ulcerative stomatitis. Chronic gingivitis
Lymph nodes: suppurative
Lungs: pneumonia, empyema
HSM, osteomyelitis
Investigations for chronic granulomatous disease
Nitroblue tetrazolium assay - leukocytes unable to reduce dye - no blue colour change, fbc, esr, ig, chest X-ray, imaging of lung,liver, bone
Immunoblot of defective enzyme
Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome
Inheritance, gene, gender
X linked recessive, WAS gene
Male only
Hyper IgE sydnrome
Inheritance, Gene
Age at presentation
Job syndrome
AD, STAT3 gene
first few months to first year of life
Aetiology Job syndrome
impaired regulation of IgE function and deficient neutrophil chemotaxis. Increase in susceptibility to infection
Clinical features of job syndrome
Skin: excoriated papules, pustules, furuncles, cellulitis, abscesses (30% cold) on scalp, neck, axillae, groin, periorbital, paronychia
S aureus, candida, strep
sinopulmonary infections: pneumatoceles, lung abscesses
coarse facies with broad nasal bridge and prominent nose, prognathism, high arched palate, prominent pores
Osetopenia - secondary fractures, hyperextensible joints, scoliosis
dental: retained primary teeth, lack of development of secondary teeth
Ddx of Job syndrome
Wiskott-Aldrich, DiGeorge, AD
Ix of suspected Job syndrome
IgE increased >2000, usually normalises in adults; IgD decreased.
FBC: eosinophilia usually accompanies IgE, anaemia and thrombocytopenia are NOT features (exclude Wiscott-Aldrich)
If infections: ESR, CRP, sputum, Chest xray, Chest CT, RFTs including DLCO
Bone: spinal xray, if joint concerns.
MRI brain: increased brain hyper intensities on T2, increased lacunar infarcts, increased chiari type 1
Genetics: STAT3 gene
inheritance and gene
x linked recessive (most common) gamma chain (IL2 receptor) gene (important as a signal transducer); lack of T and NK cells but normal B cells
AR: adenosine deaminase gene 20% (accumulation of adenosine, toxic to immature lymphocytes):lack of t, b, nk cells
AR: JAK3 in leukocytes gene
RAG hypomorphic mutations: including Omenn syndrome
Males 80%
SCID age at presentation
6 months
Pathogenesis of SCID
heterogenous group of genetic disorders that share similar clinical and immunologic deficiencies. Defect in cell and humeral immunity. Most lack ab dependent cellular cytotoxicity and NK cell function
Key features of SCID
Skin Infections eg candida, staph, strep pyogenes. GVHD secondary to maternal lymphocytes, nonirradiated blood products. Sepsis Mouth: oral candida GIT: viral induced diarrhoea, FTT Lyng: pneumonia ENT: otitis media Immunology: lack tonsillar buds, lymphoid tissue despite infections
Investigations of suspected SCID
FBC: lymphopenia is hallmark, but may not always occur
Lymphocyte subsets,flow cytometry
Lymphocyte function tests via response to phytohemagglutinin (T cells), concanavalin (T cells), pokeweed (T and B cells)
ADA assay, DNA analysis
Chest xray: absent thymic shadow, cupping and flaring of costochondral junction in ADA deficiency
Skin cultures, bx for GVHD
Mx of SCID
vigorous abs
irradiate all blood products, avoid live vaccines
ADA deficiency: replacement
Most patients with AD-HIES develop what as a neonate
a neonatal papulopustular eruption, often during the first week of life, usually starts on face and slap.
Tx of Job
Bleach baths 3x per week or chlorhex